INCORE Guide to Internet sources on Emergency Relief Missions in Conflicts and Natural Disasters
Resources compiled and updated by Johanna Karlsson (August 2005)
The aim of this INCORE thematic guide on refugees is to provide full-text publications and resources for those interested whether academically or practically in the field.
Inclusion in this guide does not imply an endorsement by INCORE of the views expressed in any of these sources. If you have a complaint about this guide or believe that we have omitted a relevant source please read our information about the guides before writing to us. You may find that this will answer some of your questions. This includes a warning about the type of information included in the guide, information about our 'criteria for inclusion' in the guides and about our 'updating and additions policy'.
General Information Sources
Reuters AlertNet is a humanitarian news network aimed to keep relief professionals and the wider public up-to-date on humanitarian crises around the globe. The site offers information about emergencies in the world, disaster mitigation and a Disasterpedia (a "one-stop info shop on disasters").
This Internet-based information service presents development information in a library of online documents, as well as an organisational directory of development-related internet services. The materials are of strategic, policy or practical interest for development practitioners around the globe.
The IASC Humanitarian Early Warning Service (HEWSweb) is an inter-agency partnership project with an aim to establish a common platform for humanitarian early warnings and forecasts for natural hazards and socio-political developments worldwide.The service provides information about different natural hazards (floods, tsunamis, droughts, volcanoes, earthquakes etc.)
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC): News
The ICRC is an independent, neutral organization ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of war and armed violence in the domains of health, economic security, water and habitat. The News Section is primarily intended for the media, and it contains all ICRC news releases and operational bulletins from the field.
International Rescue Committee (IRC): Media Center
Since 1933, the IRC has worked with relief, rehabilitation, protection, post-conflict development, resettlement services and advocacy for those uprooted or affected by violent conflict and oppression. The organization's emergency response staff members conduct rapid assessments, plan emergency responses and initiate implementation of emergency services. The Media Center offers the latest news, a news archive, articles and photos.
The Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN) is part of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Its reporting "focuses on strengthening universal access to timely, strategic and non-partisan information so as to enhance the capacity of the humanitarian community to understand, respond to and avert emergencies."
OneWorld is a network/portal which provides the latest news, action, campaigns and organisations in human righs and global issues across the world. The site is available in 11 different languages, published across its international site, regional editions, and thematic channels.
ReliefWeb is an on-line portal to information (documents and maps) on humanitarian emergencies and disasters. The site allows you to search for a specific disaster, emergency or country and look at professional resources (with lists of vacancies, training opportunities). ReliefWeb is administered by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

AlertNet FACTSHEET: How does tsunami relief fit together?
This article contains questions and answers to issues concerning humanitarian assistance. It gives answers to enquiries such as "Where do NGOs come into the picture?" and "How do NGOs and U.N. agencies coordinate with the governments of disaster-struck countries?".
The Collaborative for Development Action (CDA) Inc.: Project - Do No Harm
The Local Capacities for Peace Project of the Collaborative for Development Action, Inc. is a collaborative project of several international agencies. The aim of the Project is to "identify the ways in which international humanitarian and/or development assistance given in conflict settings may be provided so that, rather than exacerbating and worsening the conflict, it helps local people disengage from fighting and develop systems for settling the problems which prompt conflict within their societies."
Conflict sensitive approaches to development, humanitarian assistance and peace building: Tools for peace and conflict impact assessment
This joint FEWER, International Alert and Saferworld two-year programme was designed to help integrate conflict-sensitive practice into development, humanitarian assistance and peace building. It is also created to help people working in these fields to contribute more effectively to conflict prevention.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Report: Armed conflicts leading cause of world hunger emergencies
23 May 2005, Rome - Armed conflicts are now the leading cause of world hunger, according to this FAO report. The number of conflict-related food security emergencies has increased over time, and the report therefore calls on all nations to recognize peace as a core objective.
International Committee of the Red Cross: Section on The future of independent humanitarian action
This section offers several documents on the challenges facing the ICRC and other organizations in trying to help victims of armed conflict - for instance, moral dilemmas, attacks on aid organizations, and how they are prevented to get to the affected populations.
ICRC: "Victims of Natural Disasters and the Right to Humanitarian Assistance: A Practitioner's View"
Peter Walker (Director, Disaster Policy, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies) discusses the need for humanitarian assistance. He claims that: "From a practitioner's perspective it is clear that moves to define and promote the right to humanitarian assistance must run parallel to attempts within the humanitarian community to ensure that we have the means to respond appropriately when disaster strikes".
ICRC: World Disaster Report 2004
The report for 2004 mainly focuses on community resilience, with chapter such as: From risk to resilience - helping communities cope with crisis, and Disaster Data: Key trends and Statistics. This online report is only a summary (yet still extensive) of each chapter, but the site gives information on how to order the full report. The page also links to previous reports.
Institute for Security Studies (ISS): Development Aid, Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Relief
In his article, Håkan Malmqvist, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sweden, (Published in Monograph 46, Building stability in Africa: Challenges for the new millennium, February, 2000) argues that the definitions of/trends in humanitarian assistance and aid have to be considered. Furthermore, Malmqvist stresses that in situations of acute conflict, the means by conducting humanitarian assistance must be carefully assessed. When supplying aid to areas with extremely limited resources, projects can bring about or fuel existing conflicts. He also lists some examples of Swedish aid.
United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR): Disaster Statistics
This site provides information on disaster statistics, both natural and technological, between 1994-2004. It contains disaster occurrence (trends, type of disasters and maps over world distribution), disaster impact (killed, affected and economic damage) and a list of the top 25 affected countries in the world 1993-2003.
UNISDR: World Conference on Disaster Reduction
During the world conference in Hyogo, Japan, January 18-22 2005 convened by the United Nations Security Council, the participating countries discussed the need for increased commitment of the international community to address disaster reduction and to engage in a results-oriented plan of action for the next decade. The following documents are the outcome of the world conference:
- Review of the Yokohama Strategy and Plan of Action for a Safer World
- Hyogo Declaration
- Hyogo Framework of Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters
- Common Statement of the Special Session on the Indian Ocean Disaster: risk reduction for a safer future
Watson Institute, Occational Paper : "Humanitarian Action: The Conflict Connection"
S. Neil MacFarlane reviews critiques of humanitarian activities, as they often are seen as fuel to conflicts. He examines the ways in which humanitarian assistance may do this through diversion of relief supplies and through freeing up local resources for war efforts. MacFarlane also analyses the possibilities that humanitarian action can play a role in transforming conflicts, with the help of case study material from Guatemala, Bosnia, Sri Lanka, and Georgia.
World Vision: "Top 10 Myths of Disaster Relief"
Here, Rich Moseanko, a relief director for World Vision, explains the truth behind the top 10 myths of disaster relief. For instance, he undermines the myth that the assisting countries must airlift food and medicines to the disaster site.

Handbooks/Codes of Conduct
Acoss: Emergency Relief Handbook 2004 - Free Download
The third, fully revised edition of the ACOSS (Australian Council of Social Services) Emergency Relief handbook includes valuable information for volunteers, paid workers and managers delivering emergency relief. Contains General Information, A Guide for Workers (paid and unpaid) - including ten training exercises, A Guide for Managers - information of training, personnel issues, advocacy and reviewing services, and Resource Information - provides current contact details for relevant services (tailored for each State and Territory).
Doctors Without Borders: Refugee Camp
A "virtual tour" which gives detailed information on the structure of refugee camps in disaster struck areas, and answers questions about shelter, food, water, latrines, diseases, vaccinations and landmines.
ICRC: Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Disaster Relief
This code "seeks to safeguard high standards of behaviour and maintain independence and effectiveness in disaster relief". When an armed conflict occurs, its clauses are to be interpreted and applied in accordance to international humanitarian law. The code is voluntary, and enforced by the will of organizations accepting it to maintain the standards it lays down.
ReliefWeb: Gender and Humanitarian Assistance Resource Kit
1999, the IASC endorsed the "Policy Statement on Mainstreaming Gender into Humanitarian Response" which resulted in this Resource Kit. It is a very useful compilation of different documents, with topics like Mainstreaming Gender, Policies and Standards, Analytical Documents, Best Practices, Guidelines and Checklists, and Tools for Planning & Training.
The Sphere Project Handbook
The Sphere Project was started in 1997 by a group of humanitarian NGOs and the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement. Their handbook is updated with recent developments in humanitarian practice in water, sanitation, food, shelter and health. It also contains feedback from practitioners in the field and experts in related issues.
The United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) Handbook
This 418 page handbook contains everything a member of the emergency mission team must know, with basic facts about personal preparedness, plan of action, safety and security, radio communications procedures as well as information on disaster assessment, food and water, shelter for refugees etc. In addition, the handbook also provides tips on how to handle the media, cooperation with the military and other helpful knowledge.
USAID plan
This plan assists the U.S. Missions in providing policy and procedure for handling emergency situations abroad, whether the disasters are manmade or natural. It also links to the Mission Disaster Relief Plan (Interim Update), that states the disaster declaration criteria, how to request assistance from USAID/OFTA, steps taken when a disaster occurs and other useful facts. The Internal Mandatory References page on International Disaster Assistance describes their authority, objective, responsibility and applicability.
World Health Organization: "Rapid Needs Assessment for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene"
This WHO report contains a tool for how to asses a situation by using different techniques and guidance notes with detailed information about the water, sanitation and hygiene needs in emergency situations (for instance, it describes how much water a person needs per day and the number of people to share one latrine).
World Health Organization: "Rapid Needs Assessment of Mental Health..."
This is a technical document on "Rapid Needs Assessment of Mental Health Needs of Refugees, Displaced and other Populations affected by Conflict or Post-Conflict Situations". The tool included is designed to assess the mental health needs and available resources by answering an array of questions of the situation.

Governmental Institutions/Agencies
The Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)
AusAID is an Australian Governmental agency within the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, which manages Australia's official overseas aid programme. AusAID has emergency, humanitarian and refugee programs to help reduce the impacts of conflict, natural and other disasters on vulnerable populations.
Belgian First Aid and Support Team (B-FAST)
This interdepartmental structure is under the authority of the Minister for Foreign Affairs. B-FAST is a rapid response structure with the aim of sending emergency aid teams to countries affected by man-made or natural disasters.
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
CIDA is a federal agency which plans and implements most of Canada's development cooperation programs. It provides aid to people around the world who are victims of emergencies and natural disasters by providing food, shelter, and other humanitarian relief to thousands of people left injured, homeless, or hungry.
Center of Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (COE)
COE is a direct report unit to US Pacific Command Pacific which oversees US military forces and US Department of Defense assets in the Asia Pacific Region. The center focuses on meeting the needs of the operators - those on the ground in the event of a conflict situation, humanitarian crisis or natural disaster by education and training.
The Danish Emergency Agency (DEMA)
DEMA is a governmental agency under the Ministry of Defense designed to manage the National Rescue Preparedness Corps, and to supervise the national and municipal rescue preparedness. Their task is to prevent, reduce and remedy any damage inflicted on people, property and environment by accidents and disasters, including war actions.
Development Cooperation Ireland (DCI)
As a part of the Department of Foreign Affairs, the DCI provides humanitarian assistance to developing countries suffering from natural disasters and other humanitarian emergencies. The objective of Emergency Humanitarian Assistance is to save and protect lives in emergency situations through the provision of emergency relief.
Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission (DPPC), Ethiopia
The DPPC was established in June 1974 following the outbreak of famine in the two northern provinces of Ethiopia. The major preparedness modalities are Early Warning System (EWS), Emergency Food Security Reserve (EFSR), National Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Fund (NDPPF) and Logistics.
Dutch Humanitarian Aid
The Humanitarian Aid Division (DMV/HH) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs focuses on two forms of aid - the first is provided in countries affected by protracted wars or crises; the second in acute emergencies: disasters (man-made or natural), attacks and sudden outbreaks of war.
The Finnish Rescue Force (FRF)
FRF's aim is to give help abroad in the event of such crises or catastrophes where assistance is justified to safeguard life, the environment or property. Rescue operations include actions such as first aid, damage assessment, and water rescue missions.
The Folke Bernadotte Academy
The Academy is a Swedish governmental agency dedicated to improve the quality and effectiveness of international crisis management as well as peace and disaster relief operations. It supports co-operation and co-ordination between a large number of Swedish and international agencies and organizations, and serves as a national point of contact with international organizations, including the UN, EU, OSCE and NATO.
Germany: The Federal Foreign Office
The Federal Foreign Office is responsible for the Federal Government's humanitarian emergency and refugee aid abroad. One of their most important tasks is bringing help quickly to people who are in desperate need due to natural disaster, armed conflict or civil unrest.
Hellenic AID
This organization is a part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Greece. Is responsible for financing urgent humanitarian aid activities and development programs in developing countries, in addition to development educational and information activities promoting voluntary service.
The Italian Civil Protection Service
Working on a national as well as an international level, the department collaborates with other European countries in coordinating civil protection interventions abroad.
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
JICA's Disaster Relief Program dispatches Japan Disaster Relief (JDR) teams and provides emergency relief supplies when major disasters occur, mainly in developing areas, in response to requests received from the governments of affected countries or international agencies.
New Zealand's International Aid & Development Agency (NZAID)
NZAID is New Zealand's agency responsible for international assistance to developing countries. In recent years, a third of NZAID funds allocated to Emergency Management and Disaster Relief (EMDR) has gone to alleviation of natural disasters and around two thirds to relief efforts or post conflict projects in areas affected by human conflict. The agency mainly focuses on the Pacific region.
The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Planning (DCDEP)
Established 1970, DCDEP works under the authority of the Ministry of Justice and the Police and manages a Norwegian Support Team. See also The Norwegian Emergency Preparedness System (NOREPS) which provides relief supplies and personnel to the UN system and other international organizations in their efforts to reach disaster areas without delay.
The Swedish Rescue Services Agency (SRSA)
Since 1988, SRSA has carried out humanitarian relief missions in disaster areas in over 50 countries. In addition to humanitarian relief, SRSA is also involved with reconstruction work, humanitarian mine clearing, and the imparting of knowledge. A majority of the operations are performed in co-operation with various bodies within the UN.
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
SDC is Switzerland's international cooperation agency within the Swiss Foreign Ministry. During and after crises and disasters it saves lives and relieves suffering, providing people with survival aid and supporting them in the reconstruction process. Its' humanitarian missions are carried out by the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit (SHA). The SHA is a militia corps with a pool of at least 700 people ready for duty.
UK Department for International Development (DFID)
DFID is the part of the UK Government that manages Britain's aid to poor countries and works to get rid of extreme poverty. The site contains country profiles, news, publications and case studies about countries and people in need.
U.S Agency for International Development (USAID)
Since 1961, USAID has been the principal U.S. agency to extend assistance to countries recovering from disaster, trying to escape poverty, and engaging in democratic reforms. It is an independent federal governmental agency working in major regions of the world.

International Organisations
Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)
BSEC is an alliance consisting of 11 Black Sea countries - Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine. In April 1998 the BSEC countries signed an Agreement (ratified in 2003), on Collaboration in Emergency Assistance and Response to Natural and Man-Made Disasters. The Cooperation has formed an Assistance team (a group of specialists assigned to provide emergency assistance and is equipped with all the necessary facilities), and is considering the establishment of an Emergency Response Center.
The Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency (CDERA)
CDERA is a regional inter-governmental agency established in 1991 by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). The Agency's main task is to be responsible for immediate and coordinated disaster responses in the Participating States when any state requests such assistance. Today, CDERA consists of 16 member countries.
The European Commission Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO)
The EU's emergency relief operations are managed by ECHO, its humanitarian aid office. ECHO's aim is to help the victims of disaster, by supplying essential items, such as food, medicines, medical equipment, water purification systems and fuel. ECHO also funds medical teams, mine-clearance experts, and transport and logistical support. It has operated in 82 countries around the world since 1992.
Health Action in Crises (HAC)
HAC, a division of the World Health Organization, works to reduce avoidable loss of life, burden of disease and disability in crises in indicative list of crisis-prone and crisis-affected countries. This page offers information related to how the WHO Health Action in Crises department is organized, its mission and answers to frequently asked questions.
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
The ICRC is an independent, neutral organization ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of war and armed violence in the domains of health, economic security, water and habitat.
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
The IFRC is one of the world's largest humanitarian organizations. It brings emergency relief to refugees and victims of poverty and disasters, which has been a key activity of the International Federation and its member National Societies for more than 80 years. The emergency phase of a relief operation aims to provide life-saving assistance; shelter, water, food and basic health care to affected people.
The International Humanitarian Partnership (IHP)
The UK Department for International Development (DFID), the Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA), the Swedish Rescue Services Agency (SRSA), the Norwegian Department for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (DCDEP) and the Finn Rescue Force (FRF) started the IHP to provide a multi-national collaborative support to the UN.
ReliefWeb is an on-line portal to information (documents and maps) on humanitarian emergencies and disasters. The site allows you to search for a specific disaster, emergency or country and look at professional resources (with lists of vacancies, training opportunities). ReliefWeb is administered by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Since the organization was founded, it has been involved in both minor and major emergencies. UNICEF provides protection and assistance to children in conflicts and emergencies, making their main focus advocacy, assessment and coordination in order to ensure the care and protection of vulnerable children.
United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)
This organization's site hold a number of fact on public awareness, country information, library on disaster reduction, climate change, early warnings, a framework to guide and monitor disaster risk reduction etc. It also links to several UN agencies and other organizations, as well as to academic, scientific and technical institutions.
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
OCHA is designed to strengthen the UN's response to complex emergencies and natural disasters. The site contains news, information on humanitarian issues and how the organization co-ordinates its missions. It also links to United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC), which is a stand-by team of disaster management professionals ready to deploy within hours of an emergency and the International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG), which deals with disaster response issues.

International Non Governmental Organisations (INGOs)
Since 1972, ActionAid has worked as an international development agency whose aim is to fight poverty worldwide. The organization also performs emergency missions, where the main point is that an emergency can change the status quo, allowing people to rebuild their lives and communities in a sustainable way.
Aktion Deutschland Hilft (ADH)
ADH is a non-commercial federation of German aid organizations acting together to provide quick and effective help in response to major disasters and emergencies abroad. Note that the page mainly is in German.
AlertNet: Member Directory
This Reuters AlertNet site lists all member NGO's working in emergency relief in the world.
The American Council for Voluntary International Action (InterAction)
InterAction is the largest alliance of U.S.-based international development and humanitarian NGO's. The Humanitarian Policy and Practice Committee serves as an umbrella for coordinating all of InterAction's work in refugee and disaster assistance, addressing issues relating to the protection and assistance of refugees and internally displaced people, as well as operations, security and coordination in disaster response.
American Rescue Team International (ARTI)
ARTI is a humanitarian non-governmental rescue organization operating within the framework of the Geneva Convention and Protocols. The organization's main goals are to save lives, reduce suffering and to assist in the reduction of the devastating aftermath caused by catastrophic events.
AmeriCares is a nonprofit disaster relief and humanitarian aid organization providing immediate response to emergency medical needs as swiftly as possible, as well as supporting long-term humanitarian assistance programs.
Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT) Global Network
Being founded in India in 1965, AMURT is one of the few private voluntary organizations of Third World origin.Over the years AMURT has established teams in eighty countries, to create a network that can meet development and disaster needs almost anywhere in the world.
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)
ADPC is a regional resource center working towards disaster reduction for safer communities and sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific. The resource center covers all aspects of disaster management: from prevention and mitigation, through preparedness and response, to reconstruction and rehabilitation endeavors.
Association for Aid and Relief (AAR), Japan
This organization is non-governmental with an aim to provide emergency assistance, support to people with disabilities, and mine action. AAR helps refugees and survivors of conflict, natural disasters, and any other humanitarian crises and has provided emergency assistance in over fifteen countries since 1984.
Caritas Internationalis
Caritas Internationalis is a confederation of 162 Catholic relief, development and social service organisations. The International Cooperation Committee deals with Caritas' approaches to major emergencies. The Committee's tasks are to make the Confederation's response more inclusive and representative, to focus on issues critical to an effective response to major emergencies, and to improve the quality of its emergency programs.
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
CRS, a Christian NGO, has been delivering humanitarian assistance throughout the world for 60 years and has a strong background in emergency preparedness and response. CRS responds to both natural disasters and complex emergencies through a framework of saving lives, supporting livelihoods and strengthening civil society.
This organization aim is to enable absolutely poor people to achieve major improvements in their lifestyles. Concern responds "quickly, effectively and creatively to people unable to meet their basic needs, especially in sudden onset emergencies".
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
GTZ is an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. The cooperation conducts Development-oriented Emergency Aid (DEA), where it employs specific measures, initiatives and activities to alleviate or prevent emergency situations occasioned by crises, conflicts and disasters.
The Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response Association, International (DERA)
DERA is a nonprofit, international service founded to assist communities worldwide in disaster preparedness, response and recovery. It is also designed to serve as a link for professionals, volunteers, and organizations working in all phases of emergency preparedness and management.
Direct Relief International
Direct Relief International is a non-profit, non-political, and non-sectarian organization working to improve quality of life for people in need. The organization's emergency response efforts are fast, involve local partners and are coordinated with other international organizations and governmental authorities.
Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC)
DEC is an umbrella organization which co-ordinates the UK's National Appeal in response to disasters abroad. The organization brings together an alliance of Britain's aid, public, corporate and broadcasting sectors.
Disaster Mitigation Institute, India
This institute is a community based, action research, non-governmental organization. Its main goal is to bridge the gap between policy, practice, and research related to disaster mitigation and to reduce disaster risk of vulnerable communities by promoting mitigation efforts, through learning and action.
The Environmental Emergency Response Service (TEERS)
TEERS is a Canadian non-government, non-profit, humanitarian organization. It is an internationally recognized rescue organization operating within the framework of the Geneva Convention and Protocols with the purpose is to save lives, reduce suffering and environmental damage and to assist in the aftermath caused by catastrophic events, both man-made or natural in cause.
Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD)
This organization responds to human suffering around the world by providing emergency assistance after disasters, rebuilding communities, and helping children and families climb out of poverty.When disasters strike, it helps people by supplying food, water, and medicine immediately.
Global Emergency Management System
This site contains links to various organizations concerned with disaster information and emergency relief, for instance ECHO, Current Global Disaster Maps and International Emergency Phone Numbers.
GOAL is an international humanitarian agency dedicated to the alleviation of the suffering of the poor. Since 1977, GOAL has responded to almost every major natural and man-made disaster. Its emergency programmes focus on life saving assistance for those in dire need, ensuring that basic shelter; food and healthcare needs are met.
Humanitarian Information Center (HIC)
The HI Centers support the co-ordination of humanitarian assistance by providing information products and services. HIC's aim to ensure that individuals and organizations at field and strategic level have access to the information management tools to assess, plan, implement and monitor humanitarian assistance.
The Humanitarian Practice Network (HPN)
HPN is an independent forum where field workers, managers and policymakers in the humanitarian sector share information, analysis and experience. Their aim is to improve the performance of humanitarian action by contributing to individual and institutional learning. This site offers information on Guidelines, Events and an extensive list of links.
International Blue Crescent
Based in Turkey, the International Blue Crescent provides humanitarian relief in Turkey an all around the world to alleviate human sufferings resulting from natural disasters as wars, earthquakes floods and others by giving aid in feeding, sheltering, health and other emergency needs.
International Rescue Committee (IRC)
Since 1933, the IRC has worked with relief, rehabilitation, protection, post-conflict development, resettlement services and advocacy for those uprooted or affected by violent conflict and oppression. The organization's emergency response staff members conduct rapid assessments, plan emergency responses and initiate implementation of emergency services.
International Medical Corps
This global humanitarian non-profit organization conducts emergency relief and disaster response consisting of vital emergency medical care, war and trauma surgery, nutrition, and water/sanitation assistance provided within 72 hours of a humanitarian crisis.
Islamic Relief
Islamic Relief is an international relief and development charity NGO founded in the UK. Their aims for the emergency projects are to ensure minimum necessary requirements for victims of disasters like food, water and medical treatment in the quickest time possible.
Jewish Coalition for Disaster Relief (JCDR)
JCDR (a coalition of Jewish agencies) brings together the experience, expertise and resources of Jewish organizations that assist victims of natural or man-made disasters on a non-sectarian basis. The coalition has been active in response to several crises during the last few years, for instance in Central America, Kosovo, Turkey, Ethiopia, El Salvador and India.
LATET, Israeli Humanitarian Aid
LATET (Hebrew for “to give”) is an Israeli Humanitarian Aid organization founded in 1996 with the goal of providing assistance to needy populations in Israel and worldwide, on a universal and equal basis.
Malteser Germany
Malteser is a German Catholic relief agency of the Order of Malta with a mission to provide relief to major emergencies in the world, especially in the health sector.
Medair is a non-governmental organisation based in Switzerland. Its mission is exclusively humanitarian and it responds to suffering victims in war and disaster situations (especially those which have been forgotten or neglected) through various kinds of emergency and rehabilitative projects.
Medical Emergency Relief International (Merlin)
Merlin is a UK-based international humanitarian organization aimed at providing medical healthcare to people affected by wars, natural disasters and epidemics.
Mercy Corps
This non-governmental organization provides assistance in natural disasters and conflict driven emergencies. After the immediate crisis, it also supports processes of transformation that helps prevent the recurrence of conflict or chaos. Mercy Corps' Global Emergency Operations (GEO) team coordinates their response to humanitarian emergencies.
Nippon Volunteer Network Active in Disaster (NVNAD)
NVNAD is a non-profit, non-governmental organization in Japan established after the 1995 Kobe earthquake. It is active in both domestic and international disasters and works as a coordinating organization. Note that the site mainly is in Japanese.
Oxfam International
Oxfam is a confederation of 12 organizations determined to find lasting solutions to poverty, suffering and injustice. Oxfam's humanitarian work consists of crisis response, and other activities including, advocacy, prevention, preparedness, direct response and rehabilitation. Oxfam works in situations created by war, drought, floods, earthquakes and famine.
Pan American Development Foundation (PADF)
This non-governmental arm of the Organization of American States (OAS) provides emergency relief, mainly in Latin America and the Caribbean. PADF responds to peoples needs by supplying shelter, food, clean water, and other items to the victims of natural disasters and humanitarian crises in the region.
Polish Humanitarian Organisation (PHO)
PHO is a non-govermental organisation working both internationally and within the country. Its mission is to alleviatie human suffering and promote of humanitarian values.
This non-governmental global response team attends disasters providing highly trained and experienced search and rescue personnel. The organization puts great emphasis on preparedness issues and is involved in training in disaster prone countries.
RedR is an International Federation of regional, accredited RedRs and RedR International. Their mission is to relieve suffering caused by disasters by selecting, training and providing competent and committed personnel to humanitarian programmes world-wide.
Refugees International
Refugees International provides lifesaving humanitarian assistance and protection for displaced people around the world. They send missions to areas of major crises of displacement, and while there RI assesses the vital needs of the most vulnerable people, makes concrete proposals, and puts pressure on governments and the UN to act to save lives.
Relief International
Relief International is a humanitarian, non-profit and non-sectarian agency providing emergency relief, rehabilitation, and development assistance to victims of natural disasters and civil conflicts worldwide. Their programs aim to bridge the gap between immediate emergency relief and long-term community development
RESCATE (Comité Internacional de Rescate) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization based in Madrid, Spain. Their mission is to address the needs of refugees, displaced peoples and other populations affected by armed conflicts and natural disasters.
Rescue International
This organization is a non-profit association of people, response teams and companies that provide special search, rescue, and recovery services nationally and internationally.
Save the Children
Save the Children is the leading independent organization helping children in need worldwide. Its Emergencies and Protection Unit works to assure the care and protection of the world's most vulnerable children, through innovative programs and the mobilization of local support.
Trócaire is the official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland. The organization conducts disaster relief wherever emergencies occur in the world. Trócaire's emergency work is designed to build upon the existing capacities of local communities and follow international standards for best practice.
Tzu Chi Foundation
This Buddhist non-profit relief organization has offices in over twenty countries, and is one of the largest charity organizations originating from Taiwan. For over thirty years, the organization has provided services for those in need worldwide.
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
UMCOR is involved in emergency response throughout the world. The goal is to give relief to the whole person - physical, social, and psychological. UMCOR maintains a corps of trained disaster response specialists and a supply of relief materials for dispatch when and where required.
Voluntary Organisations in Cooperation in Emergencies (VOICE)
VOICE is a network of NGOs throughout Europe that are active in the field of humanitarian aid, including emergency aid, rehabilitation, disaster preparedness and conflict prevention. VOICE's main mission is to foster links among humanitarian aid NGOs.
World Relief
World Relief is a subsidiary of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), which is made up of more than 50 member denominations and hundreds of evangelical churches. It provides relief in man-made or natural disasters, both short-term and long-term rehabilitation.
World Vision International
WVI is a Christian relief and development organization working. It responds to any major emergency around the world, through our own programs or in co-operation with partner agencies. For example, World Vision has responded to famine in Ethiopia and North Korea, and war refugees in Kosovo, Chechnya, Sierra Leone, Angola, and East Timor.

Local Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs)
Humanitarian Information Centre (HIC)
This site provides addresses and E-mail addresses to local NGO's in conflicted/disaster struck areas, for instance in Sumatra (especially in Aceh), Sri Lanka, Sudan (Darfur), Liberia, DPR Korea, Iraq, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, the Southern Africa region, the Horn of Africa and the occupied Palestinean territory.
This Action Without Borders project lists over 45,000 nonprofit and community organizations in 165 countries. The following NGO's work in the disaster relief sector in their respective countries and can be found on
The Spitak Rescue Center The main object of Spitak is to rescue people and secure human life in disaster areas and emergency situations.
Contact Person: Serzh Hovsepyan, Phone: (374 1) 350046
Safety assistance for Emergencies (SAFE)
SAFE is a local pioneer organization striving to protect life providing Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to the victims including helping people avoid, prepare for, and cope with emergencies.
Address: Plot-36,Road-46, Gulshan-2, Dhaka, 1212 Bangladesh
Contact Person: Moshiur Khandaker, Phone: 9895201,9884649
Congo (Brazzaville)
Association of Community Aid
Provides humanitarian assistance, and is also involved in fighting against the marginalisation of vulnerable people and finding ways to reintegrate unemployed youth in rural community.
Address: 23, rue Lekana Moungali, BP 311 Brazzaville, Brazzaville, Brazzaville, Congo
Contact Person: Jean Baptiste Mananga, Phone: 00242 51 47 84
Disaster Volunteers of Ghana (DIVOG)
DIVOG is a non-profit, non-partisan non-governmental organisation working to assist in the improvement of the lot of the vulnerable, marginalised and deprived in society through education and other integrated rural development programmes.
ANKURAN's mission is to empower the indigenous people - the tribals, dalits - the untouchables, women and those affected by disasters, both natural and manmade.
Address: Kasturi Nagar, Rayagada, Orissa, 765001, India
Contact Person: Badal Kumar Tah, Phone: 06856-23147
A group of people from Baroda (Gujarat) have founded MobileHelp, an NGO whose aim is to provide medical relief to the quake affected people in the Bhuj region on Gujarat India.
Need to India
The organization offers disaster relief services in addition to HIV/AIDS awareness, health services, children care centers etc.
Address: 45-142(3), Ranguthota, Ongole, Prakasam Dt,A.P 523001,India
Contact Person: Matchyavathi P., Phone: 9109440931087
People's Forum
This NGO works in 6 districts of Orissa, India for the development of marginalised & disadvantaged sections of society. One of its activities is to undertake disaster and mitigation program in case of emergency.
Address: 725/2, Gandamunda, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, 751030, India
Contact Person: Amiya Kumar Das, Phone: 91-0674-350339 / 351427
Indian NGOs
A site which offers lists and addresses of NGO' from all over India working in the field of Disaster Management. Note that a membership may be needed to access some of the addresses.
Bali Emergency Network/BaliSOS
This local NGO has several main goals: to provide emergency responses to any kind of public emergency; to provide communication and networking between international & indonesian donor organizations and Bali based help & service organizations; to supply detailed information about donor organizations and help & service organizations working on the ground;
and coordinate volunteers in public emergency situations.
Jakarta Tim Relawan (Volunteers Team)
Provides direct help to victims of disasters with emergency basic needs of food, medical and legal assistance.
Address: Jalan Arus No. 1, Cawang RT.001/RW.012, Jakarta, 13630, Indonesia
Contact Persons: Karlina Leksono, Ibe Karyanto, Phone: (62-021) 8094531
Sada Persada
This organization's mission is to: 1) to provide valid and reliable data about people in natural disasters and social conflict areas and people living in remote areas, and to distribute them among potential resources in government and private sectors, 2) to facilitate an emergency response and rehabilitation efforts for people in natural disasters and social conflict areas, and 3) to facilitate efforts to empower target groups for self-help and self sufficiency.
Centre for Disaster and Humanitarian Programme
The Centre offers training on disaster management and disaster prevention. It also carries out rescue missions and administration of first aid to victims of disasters.
Address: Rehema Complex 3rd Floor RM.13, Ronald Ngala Street, P.O.BOX 3229-30100, Eldoret, Rift Valley, 30100, Kenya
Contact Person: Jared Otieno Ogolla, Phone: +254-722-699553
MERCY Malaysia
MERCY Malaysia is a non-profit medical relief organisation dedicated to providing services in crisis and non-crisis situations irrespective of race, religion, culture and boundary, with the highest level of compassion, professionalism and care.
Visions Nigeriana
Its mission is to encourage Nigerian people to care for one another and to undertake relief exercises whenever and wherever the need arises in Nigeria.
Address: suite 16,People's Shopping Complex, Jere street, Garki 2, Abuja, F.C.T., box 12001, Nigeria
Contact Person: Martins Okoronkwo, Phone: 234.8044184255
Pakistan Development Gateway
This page links to a number of local and international NGO's working in Humanitarian Assistance, Relief and Disaster Management in Pakistan.
South Africa
National Disaster Management Centre, South Africa
This NGO seeks to improve knowledge, awareness and understanding of disasters and to co-ordinate and facilitate access to information and resources for South Africa. The site includes information on disasters, situation reports and a vulnerability atlas.
Gurtong Peace Project
This organizations aims at bringing the Southern Sudanese Diaspora together and provides a list of over 140 NGO's working in the area.

Training Courses
The Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP)
ALNAP is an international, interagency forum working to improve learning, accountability and performance across the Humanitarian Sector. There are 51 Full Members (including donor organisations; UN agencies and organisations; NGO's; the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement; and selected consultants, academics and research institutes) and currently 450 Observer Members.
Aid Workers Forum
This site is a forum where people involved in aid and relief post information about training courses and funding available, and have the chance to ask questions to other members.
AlertNet: Training
Here, AlertNet posts courses, programmes and workshops available by a number of organizations.
Development Cooperation Ireland: Training and Resource Center
The Development Cooperation Ireland aims to provide an efficient, quality service that is responsive to the learning needs of development personnel both home and overseas based. Its purpose is to prepare practitioners to be more effective in their work overseas and to provide professional development opportunities to home based staff.
InterAction's Disaster Response Training Database
InterAction provides a database with "an inventory of courses and training opportunities for the disaster response community". The database lists courses in the following ares: Camp Management/Shelter, Conflict/Peacebuilding, Economic Opportunities/Reconstruction/Development, Education, Food/Nutrition, General Management/Preparedness, Health, Human Rights/Law, Natural/Environmental Disasters, Peacekeeping/Military Relations, Planning/Data Management/Logistics, Protection/Refugees/IDPs , Psychosocial Responses, Sanitation/Water, Security and Special Focus (includes Gender, Children, and Former Fighters).
International NGO Training and Research Centre (INTRAC)
INTRAC is a non-profit organization working in the international development and relief sector, providing training, consultancy and research to NGO's and CSO's involved in that area. Their work is focused on three themes: Organizational Capacity Building, Strengthening Civil Society and Participatory Development.
Questia Online Library
This online library offers reliable books, journals, and articles on emergency and disaster management. It lists a number of books in the area as well as other related issues. Note: a subscription is needed to access the full versions of the books and articles.
RedR: Training
Each of RedR's offices organizes training courses, to form an extensive and well-respected programme of courses for relief workers of all disciplines. Furthermore, RedR also runs a training programme on NGO Security in a number of areas affected by conflicts.
The United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) Training
The UNDAC team is a stand-by team of disaster management professionals who are nominated and funded by member governments, OCHA, UNDP and operational humanitarian United Nations Agencies such as WFP, UNICEF and WHO. This site contains information about UNDAC personnel training
The Virtual Reference Desk: United Nations Centre for Regional Development Publications (UNCRD)
This is a bibliography page on literature (books, book chapters, articles in journals, conference papers etc.) concerning emergency relief.
