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INCORE guide to Internet sources on Aid & Conflict

Resources compiled by Jessica Blomqvist (June 2005)


This guide contains internet sources that have content relating to the subject of "Aid and Conflict". It covers the categories of aid that are often described as development aid and humanitarian aid.

Inclusion in this guide does not imply an endorsement by INCORE of the views expressed in any of these sources. If you have a complaint about this guide or believe that we have omitted a relevant source please read our information about the guides before writing to us. You may find that this will answer some of your questions. This includes a warning about the type of information included in the guide, information about our 'criteria for inclusion' in the guides and about our 'updating and additions policy'.

Primary Documents

Human Development Report 2003 - Millennium Development Goals: A Compact among Nations to End Human Poverty

The Millennium Development Goals are aimed at the eradication of poverty, promotion of human dignity and equality as well as the achievement of peace, democracy and environmental sustainability. This UNDP report deals with these and how they best can be achieved through a policy approach that addresses structural impediments to 'economic growth and human development'.


Human Development Report 2004 - Cultural Liberty in Today's Diverse World

In this UNDP report, the concept of human development is extended to include cultural liberty, i.e. cultural choices and freedoms. The report argues that a lack of cultural liberty can indeed 'generate significant deprivations, impoverishing human lives and excluding people from the cultural connections they have reason to seek'.


Indicators for Monitoring the Millennium Development Goals: Definitions, Rationale, Concepts and Sources

This 2003 handbook by the UN Development Group gives a detailed account of quantitative indicators and basic metadata for the eight Millennium Development Goals.


World Development Report 2004: Making Services Work for Poor People

The report discusses the fact that services such as health, education, water, sanitation and electricity are inaccessible to a large part of poor people in the world. It states that increased access to these services in poor countries is a prerequisite for major human welfare improvements.


News Sources


This online gateway offers news, newsfeeds/email updates as well as other information and resources related to development issues.


IRIN NEWS.ORG - Integrated Regional Information Network

IRIN, part of OCHA (UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs), has been covering sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia on humanitarian-related news since 1994. It aims to provide 'timely, strategic and non-partisan information so as to enhance the capacity of the humanitarian community to understand, respond to and avert emergencies.' Also, it aims to support conflict resolution and reconciliation by countering misinformation and propaganda.



The OneWorld website provides news and useful information from some 1,600 organisations working in the field of human rights, poverty alleviation and global issues generally.


Reuters Alertnet

This news network offers the latest news on humanitarian-related events around the world.


Note: Other sources described in this guide which are not primarily news sources also provide news.

International Organisations

Millenium Development Goals

The Millennium Development Goals website is administered by the Development Data Group of the World Bank. The site gives a detailed overview of what the development goals entail, what should be done in order to achieve them and what organisations have partnered up to make sure this is done.


The European Humanitarian Aid Department - ECHO

ECHO is the EU body responsible for humanitarian aid and relief to afflicted areas outside the European Union. Part of its mission is to provide relief to victims of armed conflict. The website offers information on aid-strategy, mission, decisions as well as publications related to the topic of humanitarian aid.


The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

The ICRC is an independent organization whose humanitarian mission is both to protect the victims of war and conflict and also to offer them assistance. The ICRC aims to promote and strengthen humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles. The website contains a host of information such as Information on ICRC activities, Information on International Humanitarian Law and Publications (the International Review of the Red Cross is particularly useful in understanding the organisation).


International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Founded in 1919, the International Federation comprises 176 member Red Cross and Red Crescent societies, a Secretariat in Geneva and more than 60 delegations strategically located to support activities around the world. The Red Crescent is used in place of the Red Cross in many Islamic countries. The site provides news and information on the work of the Federation as well as a useful section of publications.


OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, the Development Directorate

On the OECD Development Cooperation Directorate's website one can for instance find aid statistics, information on aid effectiveness and donor practices as well as on the DAC network on conflict, peace and development co-operation. The website also offers country-specific information and publications & documents. http://www.oecd.org/department/0,2688,en_2649_33721_1_1_1_1_1,00.html

United Nations Economic and Social Development

This site provides a range of information on United Nations policy and projects. Of particular interest are the sections on; Sustainable Development, African Development and Social Development.


United Nations: Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

This office works towards improving co-ordination among the multiplicity of 'humanitarian actors' working around the world. The website contains useful information and resources, including Reliefweb which is an extensive information provider.


UNHCR - The UN Refugee Agency

Available on the UNHCR website are a large number of documents, working papers, statements, press releases etc. with relevance to the field of aid and conflict. See for instance the 2002 working paper by Frerks and Hilhorst on 'Evaluation of humanitarian assistance in emergency situations'.


UNRWA - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East

This relief and development organisation helps Palestinian refugees with education, healthcare, social services etc and makes out the largest UN operation in the Middle East. The website contains news and general information on its activities. http://www.un.org/unrwa/index.html

WFP - UN World Food Programme

This UN agency aims to deliver food aid and alleviate suffering in situations of civil conflict, war and natural disasters. Its vision is that food is necessary in order to create sustainable peace, democracy and development. The WFP website provides press releases, speeches, emergency reports as well as policies & publications and presentations of the organisation and its various operations.


The World Bank - Conflict Prevention and Reconstruction Unit

At the website of the World Bank's Conflict Prevention and Reconstruction Unit one can find information on the Bank's policy on development cooperation and conflict as well as other useful info and resources.


Governmental / Bilateral Aid Agencies

AusAID - Australian Government Overseas Aid

The AusAID web page for instance offers a presentation of Australia's aid programme and humanitarian and emergency assistance approach.


CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency

The CIDA website offers information on Canadian development aid, ongoing projects and country profiles. It also provides publications on a number of issues. Peacebuilding is one of the issues that CIDA focuses on and the website contains a detailed account of the Canadian Peacebuilding Initiative.


DANIDA - Danish International Development Agency

Included on this website is information on the Danish development policy, research areas, annual reports etc. http://www.um.dk/da/menu/Udviklingspolitik/OmDanida/

Development Cooperation Ireland (DCI)

The DCI website offers information on the Irish development policy, country-specific programmes and a number of publications and evaluations.


DFID - UK Department for International Development

Posted on the DFID website are news, publications, case studies and country profiles related to aid and development.


global.finland - Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Development Cooperation

This website contains information on Finland's development cooperation projects as well as news and publications on development and aid issues generally.


JICA - Japan International Cooperation Agency

The JICA objective is 'to contribute to peace and development in the international community, and thereby to help ensure Japan's own security and prosperity.' On their website one can find information on which issues it focuses on, which countries they work in and what projects are carried out. Of particular interest are the projects on peacebuilding currently underway in Afghanistan, Cambodia, East Timor and Sri Lanka.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway - Minister of International Development

The website of the Norwegian Foreign Ministry contains a large number of speeches by the Minister of International Development, handbooks and brochures, reports and programmes of action.


New Zealand's International Aid & Development Agency (NZAID)

One of the main focuses of the NZAID is conflict resolution and peacebuilding and the website hence offers information on this as well as some publications with relevance. The website also gives a general introduction to the NZAID bilateral and regional programmes.


Sida - the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

On the Sida web site one can find information on Swedish development assistance generally and information on its projectsin some 100 countries worldwide. In addition, the website offers online publications and a detailed account of the work Sida does within the field of humanitarian assistance and conflict management.


Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

The SDC web page contains information on general development policies, projects carried out worldwide, humanitarian aid programmes (including the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit), multilateral cooperation as well as a list of publications that can be ordered online.


The United States Agency for International Development - USAID

The website of USAID provides information about it's projects in delivering assistance in various areas as well as policy papers and other information.


  Non-Governmental Organisations

BOND - British Overseas NGOs for Development

This network of over 290 UK voluntary development organisations offers training, advocacy and information services to promote 'the exchange of experience, ideas and information' amongst organisations working on development issues.


CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere)

CARE is one of the world's largest private international relief and development organizations and works with sustainable development and emergency aid in over 60 countries. The website provides information on the work and ethos of the organisation.


Catholic Agency for Overseas Development

Catholic-based NGO promotes long-term development, responds to emergencies and promotes social justice in 64 countries worldwide. Offered on their website are policy papers, news as well as other resources.


Catholic Relief Services

CRS carries out humanitarian relief and development assistance projects in many parts of the world within eight programme areas, including peacebuilding. Information about specific projects within this programme and others is provided on the website along with various publications and news.


The Collaborative for Development Action, Inc. (CDA)

The CDA is a U.S.-based consultancy agency focusing on economic and social development worldwide that emphasises learning from practical experiences in the field rather than theory and models. Particularly relevant is their Do No Harm - Local Capacities for Peace Project, which has developed a widely used tool for Peace and Conflict analysis by finding ways to make sure humanitarian/development aid has a positive impact rather than a negative one in conflict settings. Posted on the website are also a number of relevant articles and reports on the relationship between aid and conflict, though some of them might be slightly out of date.



Founded in Ireland in response to famine in Biafra in 1968, Concern works towards poverty elimination in three key areas: emergency response; development work and advocacy and development education.


Christian Aid

Based on UK and Irish Christian churches, Christian Aid aims to end poverty in the world byempowering people and organisations locally. Christian Aid currently runs 16 overseas offices and their website offers information on the organisation, ongoing campaigns, news etc.


DI - Development Initiatives

This NGO works on policy analysis, advocacy and government relations, NGO management etc within the fields of aid, development cooperation and international relations. Their website offers evaluations of the performance of donor countries as well as other reports.


The Humanitarian Practice Network

HPN, (formerly the Relief and Rehabilitation Network), aims to improve operational practice among humanitarian actors. While a Network with its own identity, the HPN exists within the Humanitarian Policy Group at the Overseas Development Institute. The website contains a wide range of useful information such as HPN publications. Available in English and French, the Good Practice Reviews, Network Papers and Newsletters are excellent sources of information and most useful in helping to keep up to date with topical debates in the field. Many of these sources are written by aid practitioners and most are available on-line. The site also contains a list of links relevant to aid and conflict.


IAS - International Aid Services

IAS is a relief and development NGO with headquarters in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Germany. The organisation has a self-help approach and ongoing projects in a number of African countries as well as in Romania and Paraguay. One can find annual reports, news, press releases, reports etc on their website.


InterAction - American Council for Voluntary International Action

This alliance of more than 160 U.S.-based development and humanitarian NGOs promotes social justice and basic dignity in the world. Among its various working groups is the 'Transition, Conflict and Peace Working Group' which brings together practitioners working with development, relief and peace. The website contains detailed information on this working group and others as well as documents and press releases.


International Council of Voluntary Agencies

ICVA brings nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) together, initiates dialogue, and facilitates the coordination of NGO policies and, where possible, the formation of alliances. The site provides information on events as well as documents and the ICVA newsletter, TalkBack. Some sections of the site may be accessed only by member organisations.


International Crisis Group

This NGO works for the prevention and resolution of conflicts through the use of field research and advocacy. ICG produces reports regularly and publishes the monthly bulletin CrisisWatch.


IRC - International Rescue Committee

The IRC works with post-conflict peacebuilding as well as relief, rehabilitation, resettlement and advocates for 'those uprooted or affected by violent conflict and oppression'. In addition to providing a detailed presentation of the organisation and its work, the website also offers relevant news and resources.


MEDAIR - International Humanitarian Aid Organisation

MEDAIR works to alleviate suffering of people affected by conflict or other disasters. Their approach is humanitarian and Christian and they carry out emergency relief and rehabilitation projects. Programmes are currently run in countries such as Angola, Sudan, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan.


Médecins du Monde (MdM)

MdM is a French-based medical emergency aid organisation. The website, which is primarily in French, provides details of their projects as well as other information and news.


Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

MSF is the world's largest emergency medical aid organisation. They aim to provide medical aid wherever it is needed while at the same time raising awareness of the plight of the people they work with. The MSF International website has information on their projects and campaigns as well as publications and contact details for their various sections. Individual MSF country sections have their own websites.


NRC - Norwegian Refugee Council

The NRC provides humanitarian assistance to refugees and internally displaced people who are victims of conflict and disasters around the world. It offers programmes in 20 or so countries and their activities range from providing shelter to education and legal aid. NRC has also set up an emergency preparedness force.


Oxfam International

Oxfam International, founded in 1995, is an international confederation of 11 autonomous NGOs. The individual Oxfams work in different ways but with the common purpose of addressing the structural causes of poverty and related injustice. Many of the individual Oxfams such as Oxfam GB and Oxfam America have their own website.


Save The Children (SCF)

This NGO works around the world in over 45 countries to protect children and has projects that deal with child refugees and child soldiers. The website provides information on the organisation's projects as well as links to various related resources, publications and news releases etc. Individual national sections such as SCF-UK and SCF Canada have their own websites.



This Irish NGO has a Catholic ethos and is active in over 56 countries in development and emergency work. The site provides information on the work and ethos of the organisation as well as useful resources.


War-torn Societies Project International

'WSP International's field operations focus on initiating and supporting locally owned processes of interactive research and dialogue on crucial issues facing societies struggling to overcome the legacies of violent conflict.' Current projects are run in Latin America, Macedonia, Rwanda and Somalia. The organisation was set up in 1994 by UNRISD and PSIS of the Graduate Institute of International Studies and continues to work in partnership with the UN and other international actors. The website contains detailed info on past and ongoing projects, publications etc.


World Vision- GlobalEmpowerment.org / Justice-and-Peace.org

This organisation believes that development creates peace, that societies heal through forgiveness and that justice and peace should be combined. Through research, World Vision has proven that 'sustainable holistic socio-economic development works' in creating local resources for management of conflict. The organisation's two websites, see below, offer reports, news and resources related to justice & development and peacebuilding & conflict respectively.



Training Programmes, Research Institutes and Think Tanks

Aid Workers Network - Training for Aid Workers

Developed by experienced aid workers, this website aims to provide practical advice to other practitioners within the field of relief and development. A number of links to relevant training programmes and academic programmes are also posted on the organisation's website.


The Canadian Consortium on Human Security

The CCHS 'is an academic-based network promoting policy-relevant research on human security'.' The website offers a wide range of relevant resources, including the Human Security Bulletin and the Human Security Gateway (which is a useful 'research and information database' on human security issues).


Centre for Global Development

This research centre aims to reduce poverty and inequality worldwide and carries out policy-oriented research, targeted outreach and strategic communication with policymakers and the general public. Of particular interest is the research project concerned with security and development as well as the publication section of the website.


CMI - Chr. Michelsen Institute

Being the largest centre for development studies in Scandinavia, the CMI carries out policy-oriented and applied development research. The organisation focuses on development and human rights issues as well as peacebuilding in Sub-Saharan Africa, Southern and Central Asia, the Middle East, the Balkans as well as South America. The website contains info on their current research and a presentation of various publications.


Global IDP Project of the Norwegian Refugee Council

This NGO works for the protection and assistance of people who have been displaced within their own country and it runs workshops on the UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement. The website also offers downloadable training packages on the issue of internally displaced people.


Humanitarianism and War Project, Tufts University

This policy research initiative is looking into the interplay between humanitarian activities and political and military institutions etc. The website provides detailed status reports and information on a wide array of publications produced during the course of the project.


IDS - Institute of Development Studies

The IDS is part of Essex University, UK and offers several academic programmes related to development issues.


The International Development Research Centre

The centre's mission is 'Empowerment through knowledge' and it provides technical support and funding for research in devloping countries. Particularly relevant is the Peace, Conflict and Development Program. The centre collaborates with Canadian federal government departments and works in partnership with for instance the UK Department for International Development, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the Ford Foundation and so on. The website provides information on current research projects, publications, a library as well as other resources.


INTRAC - International NGO Training and Research Centre

INTRAC works to strengthen organisation and management capacity of NGOs and CSOs working in the field of international relief and development through consultancy, research, training, conferences and publications. Currently its main work is carried out in Central Asia and Malawi although it also runs a thematic programme, the Praxis Programme, which 'is about giving practitioners with "hands-on experience" in different cultures and contexts an opportunity to share the solutions they develop in the course of their work'.


Overseas Development Institute

The ODI is a British think-tank on international development and humanitarian issues. The website contains a wide range of useful information such as a section of Publications, many of which are available on-line.



This organisation works to provide humanitarian organisations worldwide with competent staff. In so doing, they offer training programmes to people seeking to work in or already working in the field of humanitarian relief.


ReliefWeb Training Database

This site offers a wide range of links to training programmes and courses related to the field of humanitarian aid.


RTC - Respond to Conflict

This NGO provides advice, cross-cultural training and long-term support to practitioners. It also runs conflict transformation courses and the ACTS (Applied Conflict Transformation Studies Programme) at regional centres around the world.


School of Environment and Development

This the largest University-based International Development Studies Department in the UK offers both post-graduate courses and customised professional development programmes as well as consultancy for international agencies, national governments etc.


Articles and Documents

Addressing the Root Causes: Relief and Development Assistance between Peacebuilding and Preventing Refugee Flows

This article, written by Bettina Scholdan, was published in the Journal of Humanitarian Assistance in 2000. The paper argues that the paradigm of aid as a form of conflict prevention and resolution is closely related to, if not determined by another paradigm: that of preventing migration through eliminating its root causes.


Aid and Conflict: the Policy Coherence Challenge

In this 2004 paper, Robert Picciotto (the Global Policy Project) argues that aid and security policies should be converged. According to Picciotto, there is a positive correlation between development and peace and also a two-way causality between security and development, hence - 'security policy should be "developmentalized"'. In order to face up to the challenges of 'local wars and global terrorism' it is necessary to reorient aid towards dealing with economical as well as political and institutional deficiencies, including measures to prevent conflict.


Aid, Policy and Growth in Post-Conflict Societies

Paul Collier and Anke Hoeffler here provide an empirical analysis of aid and policy reform as regards to growth processes in post-conflict settings. Based on data from 27 countries they conclude that the absorptive capacity for aid is twice the normal level in the first decade after a conflict and also that policy has a greater impact on growth in post-conflict societies than in societies without this dimension. (This paper is part of a larger study on economics in conflicts carried out by the Development Research Group at the World Bank.)


Breaking the Links Between Conflict and Hunger in Africa

Discussing the relationship between food insecurity and conflict, this 2004 report by Ellen Messer and Marc J. Cohen (the International Food Policy Research Institute) concludes that the international community can help prevent conflict based on food insecurity by for instance exerting pressure on local governments to adopt inclusive agricultural and trade policy. It is also necessary to think in terms of conflict-prevention when giving aid. http://www.globalpolicy.org/socecon/hunger/oppressive/2004/10africahunger.pdf

Can Foreign Aid Moderate Ethnic Conflict?

In this 1997 USIP report Milton J. Esman looks into what impact politicised ethnicity has on development assistance and vice versa. How should the issue of ethnicity be dealt with? Esman states that since context is of the essence, it is necessary to carry out a contextual evaluation and an 'ethnic impact statement' ahead of launching a development assistance programme. By doing this, it is possible for development assistance agencies to mitigate potential negative effects of the aid mission and even moderate ethnic conflict. The author disagrees with Economic Growth theorists and claims that sustained economic growth can only take place when political stability is a fact and this in turn can only be achieved through political means.


The Challenges and Contradictions of Development and Conflict

This paper was written by Stephen Jackson of the International Famine Centre, NUI Cork. The paper provided the background to the INCORE Summer School course on Development and Conflict, June 2001.


Conflict, Humanitarian Assistance and Peacebuilding: Meeting the Challenges

This 2003 International Alert Report discusses the potential of 'conflict sensitive humanitarian aid'. In essence, the argument goes that not only can humanitarian agencies avoid having a negative impact in conflict areas, they could also 'do good' in terms of actually directly transforming the conflict and help build peace - through the use of a 'conflict sensitive approach'.


Development and Conflict Theory

This article by Olympio Barbanti offers a general yet interesting discussion on links between development theory and conflict theory as well as on development and structural change, development history and current development theory generally.


Development, NGOs, and Civil Society: the Debate and Its Future

This article by Jenny Pearce is published in the Development, NGOs, and Civil Society Reader. The article examines the debate over the role of NGO interventions.


The Economics of Post Conflict Aid

In this IMF work paper Dimitri G. Demekas, Jimmy McHugh and Theodora Kosma discuss the issue of post-conflict aid and conclude that humanitarian aid helps raise welfare in the short run but is an impediment to economic development in the long run, while reconstruction aid on the other hand 'encourages savings and long-term growth' but fails to address immediate humanitarian needs in the country. The authors state that solutions to this dilemma should be based on the conditions prevailing in each individual case.


The Humanitarian-Development Gap

This article, by Jonathan Moore, appeared in the International Review of the Red Cross Nr 833, in March 1999.


Humanitarianism Unbound?

NomadNet provides the text of the 1994 paper by African Rights which warned against humanitarian interventions in Africa at the behest of international aid organisations.


The Impact of Humanitarian Aid on Conflict Development

Written in 1998, this article by Pierre Perrin (Chief Medical Officer of the ICRC) offers an interesting and relevant discussion on what impact armed conflict has on people and ' systems vital to their survival'. In his view, humanitarian aid is necessary to 'save lives, relieve suffering and restore dignity' but can also have a number of negative impacts on people in conflict areas, for instance when the aid creates a parallel economy and/or health system in afflicted areas. Perrin makes several suggestions on how aid is best used to avoid the latter and concludes that a comprehensive approach that takes into account socio-economic and cultural contexts is necessary.


The Implications of Do No Harm for Donors and Aid Agency Headquarters

This article, by Mary B. Anderson, is posted on the pages of the Local Capacities for Peace Project of the Collaborative for Development Action website. The paper is part of Anderson's work exploring the possible negative affects of aid.


In the Line of Fire: Development in Conflict

This article by Stephen Commins, published in the Development in States of War Reader, examines the role of aid workers in conflict situations. He concludes that despite the criticisms of such work, NGOs may still operate in the line of fire with effectiveness, accountability and long-term impact.


IRIN Web Special on Civilian Protection in Armed Conflict

This IRIN news.org / UN OCHA special report deals with International Humanitarian Law and discusses ways for the humanitarian aid community to protect civilians in situations of war.


Livelihoods, Chronic Conflict and Humanitarian Response: a Review of Current Approaches

This article by Catherine Longley and Daniel Maxwell (The Overseas Development Institute) discusses whether livelihood approaches are compatible with humanitarian principles in chronic conflict situations. The authors conclude that this is the case if factors such as vulnerability, the political economy and the temporal dimension of the situation are taken into consideration. The report offers discussions on political conflict, the application of livelihood approaches to these situations and humanitarian and human rights implications.


The Multilateral Aid Response to Violent Conflict: More than Linking Relief and Development

This 2001 publication by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs deals with failures of the international aid community to address violent conflict and the 'gaps between relief and development programming' in these situations. The study offers recommendations to the Danish Foreign Ministry on how the UN system could be improved to better deal with violent conflict and also how relief can be linked to development.


On the Problem of Misuse in Emergency Aid

This 1998 article, by Georg Cremer, Caritas Germany and University of Freiburg, appears in the Journal of Humanitarian Assistance. The article examines the misuse of aid by relief organisations or by employees within the structures of the organisations.


Poverty, Conflict and Development. Interventions in Sub Saharan Africa

This paper, by Pyt Douma of the Netherlands Institute of International Relations, was presented at the Global Development Network of The World Bank held in Bonn, Germany in December 1999.


Save Us From Our Saviours

This article, written by Lindsey Hilsum, originally appeared in the The Observer newspaper on December 31, 1995. Hilsum argues that good intentions of aid organisations are not enough and that the chaotic mass of unregulated international aid is perpetuating suffering.


Trocaire Development Review 2003/04

The various articles in this publication deal with the topic 'The Role of NGOs in Conflict Transformation' from different persepectives. Particularly relevant is the article on 'Accountabilities and power in development relationships'. The publication also contains several book and report reviews related to development and peacebuilding.


Violent Conflict and the Millennium Development Goals: Diagnosis and Recommendations

As the title suggests, this 2004 report by Macartan Humphreys & Ashutosh Varshney et al deals with the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in conflict areas. It states that aid aimed at fulfilling the MDGs has to take into account location-specific conflict dynamics and also that it is necessary to coordinate economic and security strategies in doing so. The report suggests a number of institutional innovations: 'the development of new institutions at the national and at the international level that can negotiate the linkages between what have traditionally been categorized as security concerns and what have traditionally been categorized as development concerns'.


World Bank Post-Conflict Aid: Oversight Issues for Congress

In this 'CRS Report for Congress' Martin A. Weiss discusses how aware the World Bank is of the consequences of its post-conflict aid and he also evaluates how well this aid is coordinated with that of other donors.


Country-Specific Documents and Information

Aid, Conflict and Peacebuilding in Sri Lanka

This report by Jonathan Goodhand looks into the interplay between 'development, poverty and conflict' in Sri Lanka. It maps out the conflict background as well as the various aid actors in the country and draws conclusions on the relationship between aid and conflict, and how the various donor agencies can adopt a more conflict sensitive approach.


Aid During Conflict - Interaction Between Military and Civilian Assistance Providers in Afghanistan, September 2001 - June 2002

This 155-page report was prepared by RAND (the U.S. National Defense Research Institute) for the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the U.S. Agency for International Development. It offers a thorough evaluation of the humanitarian aid provision during 'Operation Enduring Freedom' in Afghanistan as well as suggestions on what lessons could be learned from this experience.


Conflict Sensitive Approaches to Development, Humanitarian Assistance and Peace Building: Tools for Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment

Based on experiences in Sri Lanka, Kenya and Uganda, this (2004) resource pack discusses the application of 'conflict sensitive practice in the fields of development, humanitarian assistance and peacebuilding'. The project is a collaboration of a number of partner NGOs, including International Alert.


Development, Relief Aid, and Creating Peace: Humanitarian Aid in Liberia's War of the 1990s

The question asked in this paper is: 'can relief aid be combined with sustainable development?'. Based on the Liberian case, Deborah Maresko comes to the conclusion that indeed it can be and has been - she states that it is imperative for the humanitarian community to have a long-term focus and look beyond simply meeting people's physical needs.


Disturbing Connections: Aid and Conflict in Kyrgyzstan

In this 83-page report from 2001, Tony Vaux & Jonathan Goodhand look into the interplay between conflict dynamics and development assistance in the Ferghana Valley of Kyrgyzstan. They conclude that the potential for violent conflict in the area is quite substantial and that external factors (for instance, aid and development) are highly likely to exacerbate the situation. Therefore it is necessary for the international community to have a 'coherent' approach to the situation at hand in the area. The report offers a thorough overview of the situation, potential conflict scenarios as well as suggestions on how the international community should act to prevent the outbreak of violent conflict.


The Influence of Aid in Situations of Violent Conflict

Based on the results of four case studies (Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda), this OECD report by Peter Uvin deals with the extended mandate of aid in the face of the post-Cold War increase in intrastate conflicts. More specifically it looks at 'the way humanitarian and development aid can be used to promote dynamics of peace in recipient countries' through incentives and disincentives. The report offers a number of policy recommendations for donors.


Reconciliation - Theory and Practice for Development Cooperation

Looking into the concept of reconciliation in post-conflict settings this report (by the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University for the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) makes suggestions on how development aid and cooperation best can be used to support local/national programmes for reconciliation. Looking at theory as well as cases such as East Timor, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Macedonia, Lebanon, Liberia, South Africa and Rwanda the report for instance concludes that it is necessary to support local initiatives rather than imposing external ones and that a conflict and timing analysis is necessary beforehand.


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