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INCORE Guide to Journals concerned with Conflict and Peace

February 2003

Inclusion or non-inclusion of any journal does not imply any judgement on the part of INCORE as regards quality.

Title Accord: An International Review of Peace Initiatives
Description Each issue of this journal deals with a specific peace process, and offers a number of articles, primary texts including peace agreements, and further reading materials. Previous issues include, Sri Lanka, Mozambique, Guatemala, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Accord can be ordered in hard copy, and is available freely on-line.
URL http://www.c-r.org/accord/index.htm
Title African Journal on Conflict Resolution
Description The journal aims at promoting African ideas, thought patterns and writers in the field of conflict resolution. The journal seeks submissions that are academic in nature, but remain accessible to a wider audience.
URL http://www.accord.org.za/web.nsf
Title Cooperation and Conflict
Description A journal of the Nordic International Studies Association (NISA), which offers a discussion of Scandinavian foreign policy and international relations research, within the context of the global arena. The journal is published quarterly, and can be ordered on-line through the Sage 'Journals Online' section. A sample online copy is also available.


Title ECMI Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe

This electronic journal seeks to make available innovative scholarship, case studies, reports and materials concerning majority-minority relations in Europe. The Journal emphasizes research on ethnopolitical tensions and new approaches to the management of conflict that may result. Access to the contents of JEMIE can be had in three ways; through analytical categories (conflict prevention, minority rights, peace-keeping, etc.); geographical focus or by type of publication. The journal features the four of contributions: Working Papers, Articles, Issue Briefs and Reports

URL http://www.ecmi.de/doc/public.html
Title International Journal on World Peace
Description Offers articles which cuts across all disciplines, and also contains reviews of recent books related to world peace. It is indexed each year. It is abstracted, indexed, or made available on CD-ROM by several agencies. It is not available on-line, but can be ordered through its on-line subscription form.
URL http://www.pwpa.org/IJWP/index.html
Title Journal of Conflict Resolution
Description An interdisciplinary journal of social scientific theory and research on human conflict, published by Sage. This journal is published six times annually--in February, April, June, August, October, and December. A tables of contents of each issue is available on-line, and the journal can be ordered on-line.
URL http://www.library.yale.edu/un/un2f1a1.htm
Title Journal of Conflict Studies
Description The Journal of Conflict Studies is issued twice a year. It is dedicated to the publication of scholarly research in the field of low-intensity conflict studies.
URL http://www.lib.unb.ca/Texts/JCS
Title Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Description JEMS publishes the results of research on all forms of migration and its consequences, together with articles on ethnic conflict, discrimination, racism, nationalism, citizenship and policies of integration.
URL http://www.cemes.org
Title Journal for Peace and Change

Published quarterly, this journal offers scholarly and interpretive articles related to the creation of a peaceful, just, and humane society. This site does not offer subscription details, and only tables of contents are available on-line.

URL http://webs.cmich.edu/peaceandchange/
Title Journal of Peace Research
Description Published bimonthly at the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO), this journal offers scholarly work in peace research concentrating on the causes of violence, methods of conflict resolution and ways of sustaining peace. Subscription forms are available on-line.
URL http://www.sagepub.co.uk/
Title Middle East Review of International Affairs
Description The Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) 'represents a new approach to the study of the modern Middle East. MERIA reaches over ten thousand readers in more than 90 countries, serving a high-level audience of Middle East experts, scholars, teachers, students, officials, journalists, and people interested in the region'. All issues are archived on the MERIA homepage.
URL http://www.biu.ac.il/SOC/besa/meria/index.html
Title Peace, Conflict and Development: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Description Published by the Peace Studies Department at Bradford University, this journal publishes innovative writing on a wide range of topics related to peace, conflict and development from an interdisciplinary perspective.
URL http://www.peacestudiesjournal.org.uk
Title Peace and Conflict Studies
Description Published by the Network of Peace and Conflict Studies, in association with George Mason University. Concentrates on articles which deal with the environment, social change, grassroots movements, poverty and hunger, alternative economic development, human security, non-hierarchical world order, economic equity, non violence, disarmament, cultural studies, feminine views of peace, green politics, critical pedagogy, conflict resolution, etc., and is published twice a year. Subscription information available on-line.
URL http://www.gmu.edu/academic/pcs/
Title The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution
Description The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution is intended as a resource for students, teachers and practitioners in fields relating to the reduction and elimination of conflict. It desires to be a free, yet valuable, source of information to aid anyone trying to work toward a less violent and more cooperative world.
URL http://www.trinstitute.org/ojpcr/
Title Peace Research Abstracts Journal
Description Sponsored and compiled by the Peace Research Institute - Dundas, a private non-profit organization affiliated with the international network of peace research institutes which exist around the world. Offers information on subscriptions and contributions on-line.
URL http://www.sagepub.co.uk/journals/details/j0029.html
Title Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change
Description This journal seeks to create a scholarly forum that would encourage dialogue and cross-fertilisation across a number of related but disconnected disciplines - social movements, conflict resolution and political change.
URL http://www.personal.kent.edu/~pcoy
Title Self-Determination in Focus

This journal is supported largely by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. It aims to provide analysis of self-determination demands around the globe and of the implications for national sovereignty and global governance. The journal features articles from scholars, activists, and government officials from around the world.

URL http://www.selfdetermine.org
Title SouthScan

A bulletin of South African affairs that focuses on key policy issues in Southern and Central Africa - particularly conflict issues.

URL http://www.southscan.net
Title World Politics

This journal publishes analytical/theoretical articles, review articles and research notes in international relations, comparative politics, political theory, foreign policy and modernization.

URL http://www.wws.princeton.edu/world_politics

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