Bank index
Masters Professional Degree in Peace and Conflict Studies
University of Ibadan
Associated Staff
Professor J.A. Adekanye, BSc (Ibadan), MA, PhD (Bran.)
Civil-Militray Relations, Defense and Strategic Studies;
Professor J.A.A. Ayoade, BA, PhD (Ibadan)
Federalism, Ethnic Politics, State and Religion;
Professor E.A.Gboyega, BA (Ghana), PhD (Ibadan)
Local Governemnt and Urban Studies;
Professor K.J.O. Otite, BA (Nigeria), PhD (London)
Ethnicity and Social Change;
Professor J.D. Ojo, PhD (London)
Constitutional Law;
Professor J.K. Egunjobi, BSc (London), PhD (Wellington)
Professor M.E. Aken Ova, BSc (London), PhD (Ibadan)
Environmental Conflict;
Professor Kunle Adeniran, BA, MA (Leeds), PhD (Ibadan)
Socio Linguistics;
Dr. F.O. Adisa, BSc, PhD (Ibadan), MSc (Ife), PhD (London)
Stragtegic Studies;
Dr. S.A. Amuwo, BSc, MSc, PhD (Ibadan), (Chic.), (Bordeaux)
Comparative Public Administration;
Dr. B. Okunade, BSC, MSC, PhD (London), LLM (Essex)
Public Administration, Human Rights Law;
Dr. E.E. Osaghae, BSc, MSc, PhD (Ibadan)
Ethnicity, Federalism, and the State;
Dr. O.B.C. Nwolise, BSc (Nsukka), MSc, PhD (Ibadan)
Defence and Social Statistics;
Dr. A.A.B. Agbaje, BSc (Ibadan), MSc (Lagos), PhD (Ibadan)
Comparative Politics; Political Economy; Communication;
Dr. R.B. Suberu, BSc, MSC, PhD (Ibadan)
Comparative Politics, Political Institutions;
Dr. J.O. Adesina, BSc, MILR (Ibadan), PhD (Warwick)
Industrial Relations;
Dr. A.U. Iwara, BA (Ibadan), MA (Sorbonene), MPhil (London), PhD (London)
Dr. I.O. Albert, BA, MA, PhD (Ibadan)
Urban History, Ethnic Conflicts, Urban Violence and Conflict Management;
Dr. O.B. Olaoba, BA, MA, PhD (Ibadan)
African Approaches to Conflict Resolution;
Dr. Demola Yakubu, PhD (OAU)
Conflict of Laws;
Dr. M.A.L Omole, Bed, MPhil, PhD (Ibadan)
Industrial Conflict Management;
Dr. Bola Udegbe, Bed (Benin), MSc, PhD (Ibadan)
Psychology and Women's Studies;
Dr. Dare Oguntomisin, BA, PhD (Ibadan)
Histoy of Yoruba Wars and Peace making;
Dr. Laray Denzer, BA (Legon), PhD (Birmingham)
History and Women's Studies;
Dr. G.A. Akinola, BA (London), MA (Legon), PhD (Ibadan)
Problems of Nation Building in Africa;
Dr. O.C.Adesina, BA, MA, PhD (Ibadan)
Economic History;
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