Colorado Conflict
Research Consortium (CCRC), University of Colorado, USA.
CCRC addresses difficult long-term conflict and their research
is focused in four main areas; environmental, racial and ethnic,
gender, and deep-rooted moral conflict. Their archive houses newsletters,
a large archive of working papers, program information, brochures.
It also provides an extensive list of efficiently-indexed Peace
and Conflict Resources on the internet.
Home of Peace Studies
and Conflict Research
This provides directories of Peace and Conflict programs, organisations
and publications.
Peace- keeping Operations Bibliography,
by the United Nations.
only English language monographs published between 1945-1996 and
does not as of yet include anything published by the United Nations
UN Peacekeeping Operations
This page lists UN Peacekeeping Missions, provides maps, mission
statements, and gives access to reference papers through gopher.
UNDCP Key Word
the full text of General Assembly, ECOJOC, CND, and Security Council
Global Security
Program University of Cambridge, UK, houses the Journal of Humanitarian Assistance .
Full text
of the journal is available online as well as occasional papers
and lecture series which deal with everything from early warning
to post conflict peace-building.
Program on Peacekeeping Policy
at George Mason University.
The principal
original resources on the server are;
- Information
about United Nations peacekeeping missions, a major resource which
the PoPP are putting up using information from the UN's Department
of Public Information. It is useful and comprehensive and includes
a map interface to the information.
- An index
to UN Security Council Resolutions. The resolutions themselves
are actually hosted by the UNDP gopher.
Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation
of the University of California.
This provides
information about the IGCC and about its campus programs.It also
provides the full text of all documents published by IGCC. They
are organised by geographic area and include;
- The IGCC
- Policy
- Policy
Studies in Conflict and Cooperation
- and more...
Choose Ethnic Conflict/Regional Relations from
the home page
A major
resource which is placing information on its Web-server and its
gopher on behalf of a wide range of other institutes, among them
the OSCE and the Western European Union.
gopher includes a wide range of services, from a news digest produced
by the 'Caucasian Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development',
to archives of research papers from various defence and conflict
research centers.
Peace and Conflict Studies
A journal
with full text articles on line.
The War-Torn Societies Project,
Geneva, Switzerland.
It is a joint activity of the United Nations Research Institute
for Social Development and the Graduate Institute of International
Studies. The project focuses on post-conflict reconstruction by
the consolidation of peace and sustainable development in selected
war torn areas. The Website provides country links, newsletters,
publications, and field oriented research. It deals with rebuilding
a society.
Disarmament Diplomacy
This is a monthly journal produced by Dfax which offers a review
of news and documents relating to arms control, disarmament, and
opinion pieces. Strong UN focus.
Peace and Security WWW Server
This is maintained by the Canadian Forces College, Information
Resource Centre, Toronto. One of its principal services is
Peace and Security Integrated Internet Resource Guide,
a comprehensive
bilingual (English/French) index to Internet resources on the following
- armed
forces of the world (interactive map)
- contemporary
conflicts (interactive map)
- international
- military
art and science
- peace,
disarmament and arms control
- peacekeeping
The Ian Web International Affairs Resources
This is part of the World Wide web Virtual Library and provides
links to internet resources by various categories, including peace
and conflict, peacekeeping, and human rights. They provide a brief
description of each entry.
Center for Security Studies
and Conflict Research, (CSSCR), Zurich, Switzerland.
This is a Center which concentrates on security policy and conflict
analysis. It houses the Environment and Conflicts Project (ENCOP),
Information Revolution
and International Security project, (iris), and the International Security Network, (ISN),
"Your one-stop information network for security and defence
studies, peace and conflict research and international relations".
ISN Discussion groups are available with archives of previous discussions.
The International Security Network allows you to search topic areas
and. provides well-organised indexes. Under 'What's New' ISN list
new relevant internet sites with brief descriptions. ISN lists
sites by country, region and research area.
This is one of the services under the ambit of the IGC. Conflictnet
is 'a network of people dedicated to promoting the constructive
resolution of conflict.' At the moment this webserver is mainly
a pointer to other sites and the gopher mainly contains information
about conflictnet itself.
This is a service under the ambit of the IGC. Peacenet is 'a
world-wide computer network serving organizations and individuals
working for positive change in the areas of peace, social and economic
justice, human rights and the struggle against racism. PeaceNet
is also a repository for current information ranging from disarmament,
economic justice, immigrant rights, the prison system, indigenous
peoples and many more. At the moment this webserver is mainly a
pointer to other sites and this server mainly contains information
about Peacenet itself.
United States Institute of Peace
home page points to internet resources in conflict resolution, particularly
relating to Northern Ireland and South Africa
SIPRI, Stockholm International
Peace Research Institute.
The SIPRI web-server contains information about SIPRI, information
about SIPRI publications, including their yearbook and information
about SIPRI research projects. It also hosts documents relating
to arms control and disarmament.
Centre for Strategic Leadership (CSL) US.
This was established for the study of peace operations at the
strategic and high operational levels by the US Army War College.
The web site provides abstracts of military studies
produced by CSL It also provides information about the US Army Peacekeeping
Institute (PKI).
Conflict Studies Research Centre
This part of the UK Royal Military Academy, runs a gopher that
provides academic and political papers on conflict with an emphasis
on Eastern Europe. It provides the full text of some papers written
by academics.
Project Ploughshares, Ontario, Canada.
This is run by the Canadian Council of Churches. The project
undertakes research to promote the peaceful resolution of political
conflict. It includes the full text of their quarterly newsletter,
various articles, and research. The project promotes citizen advocacy/peace
intervention. The material concentrates on Canadian foreign policy.
Fellowship of Reconciliation, (FOR),
New York, US.
This provides information on FOR, copies of the magazine, conference
information, and lists other sites that deal with non-violence,
the majority of which are also religiously or spiritually affiliated.
Department of Peace Studies
at Bradford, UK.
The web site offers information on their courses of study and
also houses the International Peacekeeping News a
bi-quarterly journal published by Dfax and the Department of Peace
Studies. The journal is indexed and selected extracts of the articles
can be viewed. Their main focus is on the UN's role but other peacekeeping
initiatives are featured.
The Carter Center, Atlanta,
Georgia, US.
Relevant Carter Center programs include conflict resolution,
human rights, and individual country programs. It provides copies
of the centres news releases, reports, and speeches. The Carter
Center Reports are indexed but only a few of these can be accessed
via the internet.
The L B Pearson Canadian
Peacekeeping Training Centre
This is part of The Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies,
(CISS). They conduct research and provide advanced training. This
site gives information about the centre and has a discussion forum
about a specific peacekeeping issue.
The Foundation for the
Prevention and Early Resolution of Conflicts, (PERC), New York,
PERC focuses
on dispute resolution. The Website offers 'The Game of Conflict'
which outlines the principles and practices of Conflict Resolution.
It also provides news articles, and an interactive forum on conflict
issues and current events. Not primarily focused on ethnic conflict.
The Project on Peacekeeping and
the United Nations,
This project is part of the Council for Liveable World Education
Fund (CLEF), Washington, DC, US. The page contains reports, analysis
of legislation affecting peacekeeping, polls, and public opinion,
and gives links to other sites.
Peacekeeper's Home Page Ontario,
This gives daily news stories about Canadian peacekeeping missions.
Caucasian Institute for Peace, Democracy
and Development (CIPDD)
This is an Institute that focuses primarily on the ethnic conflict
in Georgia and the former Russian Republics. Its Gopher offers the
full text of articles by researchers about the problems of transition
to democracy and peace.
Edmund A. Walsh School
of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington DC, US
Through the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy (ISD) the school
puts out publications which include ISD reports
and Pew Case Studies of International Affairs.
The cases are indexed by subject, title and author but complete
text cannot be accessed on the internet and must be ordered.
Peace Brigades International,
(PBI), London, UK.
This is a group that implements non-violent approaches to peacekeeping.
The website gives information on the PBI projects and reports on
the missions which include Guatemala, Sri Lanka, North America,
Haiti, Chiapas, Balkans, and Colombia in full text. They also index
web sites for their specific regions of inquiry.
International Institute for Strategic
Studies, (IISS) London, England.
The Institute is a private non-profit organisation that focuses
on conflict with any type of military content. They conduct numerous
research projects and summaries of each are provided on the web
site. They also provide indexes for several publications.
Center for Strategic Studies,
(CSS), Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
It focuses on security of New Zealand and the Asia-Pacific region.
They provide the full text of working papers and access to their
political science journal Ante Podium.