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INCORE guide to Internet sources on conflict in Venezuela

Compiled by Veronika Wolf (August 2004)


Inclusion in this guide does not imply an endorsement by INCORE of the views expressed in any of these sources. If you have a complaint about this guide or believe that we have omitted a relevant source please read our information about the guides before writing to us. You may find that this will answer some of your questions. This includes a warning about the type of information included in the guide, information about our 'criteria for inclusion' in the guides and about our 'updating and additions policy'.


This map by UNHCR shows the situation of refugees at the Venezuelan-Colombian border.
http://www.unhcr.ch ........ (868)

Country Map
Detailed map from University of Texas collection
http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/venezuela.html (869)

News Sources - Email Lists

El Nacional
The Christian-Democrat newspaper is one of the most important newspapers in the country. Its website is in Spanish.
http://www.el-nacional.com/ (870)

El Universal
This major Venezuelan newspaper now publishes its online news in English.
http://www.eluniversal.com/eng_index.shtml (871)

This portal has the most complete collection of working links to all sorts of political information sources in Venezuela. It also provides further information on the political orientation of the sources.
http://www.venenews.net/ (872)

Venezuelan crisis information website with articles in Spanish, English, Italian and German. Amongst its services is a list of missing persons and political prisoners in Venezuela.
http://www.vcrisis.com/ (873)

Venezuela Analitica
This website aims to provide the international business community with studies and analyses of economic, political and social developments in Venezuela.
http://veneconomy.com/eng/aldia/default.asp (874)

Independent Venezuelan news service in Spanish
http://www.globovision.com/ (875)

BBC News Country Profile: Venezuela
This site gives excellent background information to the political situation in Venezuela, up-to-date news stories, and links to other news sites and official government pages. It provides background information on selected topics:

* Profile: Hugo Chavez
* The big five opposing Chavez
* Chavez's key backers
* The economic legacy
* Timeline: From Columbus on
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/country_profiles/1229345.stm (876)

The UN-OCHA information service provides regular updates about the humanitarian situation of the Columbian refugees on the border of Venezuela.
http://www.reliefweb.int ........ (877)

Latin America Press
Online article archive with over 120 articles on Venezuela
http://www.lapress.org/Summ.asp?lanCode=1&couCode=26 (879)

Latin Focus: Venezuela News Archive
This news archive on Latin America economies provides news and information on economic indicators, forecasts and developments in Venezuela in English and Spanish.
http://latin-focus.com/news/countries/Venezuela/venezuela_news.htm (880)

National and Local Governmental Institutions and Agencies

Government of Venezuela
The official site of the president office of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela provides information on the composition, structure and activities of the Government, along with general information on politics and economy and a news section. It has a special section devoted to Plan Bolivar 2000.
http://www.venezuela.gov.ve/ (881)

Consejo Nacional Electoral
Website of the Electoral Commission.
http://www.cne.gov.ve/ (882)

Red Platino
Online news platform of the Venezuelan Government
http://www.platino.gov.ve/ (883)

Gaceta Oficial
Online news bulletin of the Venezuelan Government
http://www.tsj.gov.ve/gaceta/gacetaoficial.asp (884)

External Governmental Institutions and Agencies

CIA World Factbook
This is a useful source for background information on government and politics in Venezuela.
http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ve.html (885)

US State Department Background Note on Venezuela
Includes information on recent political developments and are issued regularly through the year.
http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/1859.htm (886)

US Library of Congress Country Guide Venezuela
This study provides a complete country profile including, history, economy, government and politics, and issues of national security. Also includes a bibliography and a glossary.
http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/vetoc.html (887)

FCO Country Profile on Venezuela
The Foreign & Commonwealth Office (UK) country profile lists the international human rights treaties Venezuela is party to.
http://www.fco.gov.uk ........ (888)

International Multilateral Organisations (IOs)

OAS – Situation in Venezuela
The intergovernmental Organisation of the American States (OAS) provides latest news, press releases, statements and reports on the political situation in Venezuela.
http://www.oas.org/ (878)

OAS – Situation in Venezuela
The intergovernmental Organisation of the American States (OAS) provides latest news, press releases, statements and reports on the political situation in Venezuela.
http://www.oas.org ........ (889)

International Financial Institutions (IFIs)

Worldbank Country Report: Venezuela
The World Bank’s country report gives information about Bank activities, general development statistics and links to other organizations working in Venezuela.
http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/ (890)

International Non-Governmental Organisation (INGOs), Research Institutes, Non-State Actors

Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch provides a large amount of material relating to Venezuela. The obvious focus of the organisation is on human rights abuses within the country.

Freedom House
Freedom House is an internationally renowned source for information on democracy-related issues worldwide.
http://www.freedomhouse.org/research/freeworld/2003/countryratings/venezuela.htm (892)

Reporters Without Frontiers Annual Report on Venezuela
The international watchdog Reporters Without Frontiers is a source for the situation of media and press freedom in Venezuela.
http://www.rsf.org/article.php3?id_article=10240 (893)

Latin America Network Information Center: Venezuela
Service of web links provided by the University of Texas concerning Venezuela in English and Spanish
http://www1.lanic.utexas.edu/la/venezuela/ (894)

Latin American Studies Association (LASA), University of Michigan: Section on Venezuelan Studies
Information, Links, Articles on Venezuela
http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mmarteen/svs/index.html (895)

Political Database of the Americas
Operated by the Georgetown University this non-governmental Internet-based database provides reference materials, primary documents, comparative studies and statistical data on Venezuela and other countries in the Western Hemisphere.
http://cfdev.georgetown.edu/pdba/Countries/countries.cfm?ID=35 (896)

Latin America Data Base
Online news service in English by the University of New Mexico publishing in-depth coverage of Latin American affairs
http://ladb.unm.edu/ (897)

Handbook of Latin America Studies
The HLAS is a multidisciplinary bibliography on Latin America, which is edited by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress.
http://memory.loc.gov/hlas/ (898)

Derechos Human Rights: Venezuela
Derechos are an international network of human rights NGOs and local CSOs in various countries. On its website, their Venezuelan branch has compiled together a list of links to various reports and documents, specifically relevant to human rights in Venezuela. This includes information and resolutions made by international bodies.
http://www.derechos.org/nizkor/venezuela/ (899)

Local Non-Governmental Organisation (NGOs), Civil Society Organisations, Research Institutes, Non-State Actors

Red Venezuela
Online portal in Spanish of the Venezuelan community living abroad that promotes democracy and the relations between Venezuela and the international community.
http://www.redvenezuela.org/quienes.htm (900)

Red Venezolana de Organizaciones para el Desarrollo Social
Online forum of Venezuelan civil society organisations in Spanish
http://www.redsoc.org.ve/index.html (901)

Servicio de Enlace con las ONG internacionales
Spanish-language online forum and link service of more than 1000 Venezuelan Non- Governmental Organisations working in the field of reconstruction and emergency situations
http://www.enlaceong.org.ve/home.htm (902)

This website was established by Venezuelan civil society actors in commemoration of the demonstrations for democracy on April 11, 2002. It offers a wide variety of articles, documents and open letters in Spanish and English from Venezuelan and international actors on the democratic movement in Venezuela and the situation on human rights and democracy.
http://www.11abril.com (903)

Coordinadora Internacional Venezolana
A Washington-based association of Venezuelan residents living abroad who promote the rule of law, the protection of human rights and democratic values and whose aim is it to channel information between the civil society and decision takers. This website is in Spanish.
http://www.civw.org (904)

Speech by President Hugo Chavez at the opening of the XII G-15 summit
This speech given by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez at the G 15 summit, illustrates very clearly his vision of future South-South cooperation.
http://www.venezuelanalysis.com/docs.php?dno=1011 (908)

Articles, Papers, Reports, Agreements

The Venezuelan Story: Revisiting the Conventional Wisdom
This article by Moises Naim, April 2001, is about some of the clichés attached to the causes of the country’s crisis by the Venezuelan people and international analysts and explores how they foster the situation.
http://www.vcrisis.com/index.php?content=analysis/moises1001 (905)

Colombia in Conflict, Venezuela in Crisis
A discussion panel expresses contrasting views on the current situation in Colombia and Venezuela.
CERLAC Bulletin, Volume 2, Issue 6 March 2003
http://www.yorku.ca/cerlac/2-6_Colombia_Venezuela.pdf (906)

Venezuela: Headed toward civil war?
This International Crisis Group’s report analyses the political crisis in Venezuela and its risk to turn into civil war.
http://www.crisisweb.org ........ (907)

IACHR Report on the situation of Human Rights in Venezuela
This latest report by the Inter American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), a body of the Organization of American States (OAS), examines issues as the administration of justice, the role of the armed forces and police, the state of freedom of expression and the consequences of political polarization.
http://www.cidh.oas.org/countryrep/Venezuela2003eng/toc.htm (909)

Carter Center Report: Last Phase of the Venezuelan Recall Referendum
Report by the Carter Center that was invited by the Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE) to observe the recall referendum process
http://www.cartercenter.org/doc1807.htm (910)

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