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INCORE guide to Internet sources on conflict in Colombia

Compiled by Tineke Vaes (December 2002)


Inclusion in this guide does not imply an endorsement by INCORE of the views expressed in any of these sources. If you have a complaint about this guide or believe that we have omitted a relevant source please read our information about the guides before writing to us. You may find that this will answer some of your questions. This includes a warning about the type of information included in the guide, information about our 'criteria for inclusion' in the guides and about our 'updating and additions policy'.


Country Map
Taken from the Perry Castena collection.
http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/americas/colombia.jpg (306)

Guerrillas and Paramilitary Forces in Colombia
This map from Le Monde Diplomatique shows the influence of the FARC and the ELN in Colombia.
http://mondediplo.com/maps/colombiamdv49 (307)

Coca Cultivation Map
2005 Map showing levels/areas of coca cultivation in Colombia
http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/americas/colombia_coca_density_2002.gif (338)

News Sources - Email Lists

BBC Country Profile: Colombia
This site gives excellent background information to the conflict in Colombia as well as links to other news sites and official government pages.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/country_profiles/1212798.stm (290)

El Pais: Colombia
In Spanish, this site provides daily news on events in Colombia from inside the country.
http://elpais-cali.terra.com.co/paisonline/ (291)

Proceso de Paz
In Spanish, this is a website related to the newspaper El Pais, and dedicated exclusively to the conflict in Colombia.
http://www.procesodepaz.com/ (292)

El Tiempo
In Spanish, this is the online version of the Colombian newspaper El Tiempo.
http://eltiempo.terra.com/co/ (293)

El Espectador
In Spanish, this is the online version of the Colombian newspaper El Espectador.
http://www.elespectador.com (294)

El Colombiano
In Spanish, this is the online version of the Colombian newspaper El Colombiano.
http://www.elcolombiano.com (295)

El Mundo
In Spanish, this is the online version of the Colombian newspaper El Mundo.
http://www.elmundo.com (296)

El Diario del Otun
In Spanish, this is the online version of the Colombian newspaper El Diario del Otun.
http://www.eldiario.com.co (297)

Relief Web: Colombia
The UN news agency gives daily updates on the situation in Colombia.
http://www.reliefweb.int ........ (298)

National and Local Governmental Institutions and Agencies

Ministeria de Justicia y Derecho
In Spanish, this is the website of the Colombian Ministry of Justice.
http://www.minjusticia.gov.co (299)

General Command Colombian Armed Forces
In English and Spanish, this is the website of the Colombian Armed Forces.
http://www.cgfm.mil.co/ (300)

Ministerio de Defensa Nacional
In Spanish, this is the website of the Colombian Ministry of Defence.
http://www.mindefensa.gov.co (301)

Defensoria del Pueblo
In English and Spanish, this is the website of the Colombian ombudsman. The ombudsman investigates and publishes the general state of human rights in Colombia.
http://www.defensoria.org.co/english.php (302)

The Presidency of the Republic of Colombia
The Colombian government provides a variety of information, news and reports. Most of the site is in Spanish although there is also a section of news reports written in English.
http://www.presidencia.gov.co/ (303)

In English and Spanish, this website of the Ministry of National Defence specifically targets the issue of kidnapping in Colombia. The site offers information as well as psychological and judicial assistance to family members of kidnapped Colombians
http://www.antisecuestro.gov.co/principal.htm (304)

Ejercito Nacional
In Spanish, this is the website of the Colombian National Army. The site has information on army structures and operations, as well as listing human rights violations committed by the different paramilitary groups.
http://www.elercito.mil.co (305)

External Governmental Institutions and Agencies

US State Department Consular Information Sheets
Include information on recent political developments and are issued regularly through the year. You can also receive the information through the "travel-advisories@stolaf.edu" mailing list . To subscribe, send a message containing the word "subscribe" to: travel-advisories- request@stolaf.edu
http://travel.state.gov/colombia.html (308)

CIA World Factbook
The factbook is useful for background information on government and politics in Colombia.
http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/co.html (309)

The FCO UK (Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom) Travel Advisories
The site includes information on recent political developments and reports are issued at regular intervals.
http://www.fco.gov.uk/travel/default.asp (310)

US Library of Congress : Country Study: Colombia
This vast document covers all aspects of life in Colombia. The site is well worth a visit and of particular interest are the sections on:
Contemporary Racial and Ethnic Trends
Internal Security Problems
Guerrilla and Terrorist Groups
http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/cotoc.html (312)

Venezuelan Ministry for External Relations
Information in spanish from the government department repsonsible for handling relations with Colombia
http://www.mre.gov.ve/ (340)

International Multilateral Organisations (IOs)

The International Committee of the Red Cross
The ICRC provides a range of information with regard to its work in Colombia.
http://www.icrc.org/ (311)

International Financial Institutions (IFIs)

The World Bank Country Report Colombia
The World Bank Country Report gives valuable information about its activities, general development statistics and links to other organisations working in the country.
http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/external/lac/lac.nsf (313)

International Non-Governmental Organisation (INGOs), Research Institutes, Non-State Actors

Peace Brigades International: Colombia
The Peace Brigades project in Colombia is one of the organisations long term projects which works in conjunction with local human rights activists and NGO's.
http://www.igc.org/pbi/colombia.html (314)

Derechos Human Rights: Colombia
Derechos have compiled a list of links to various reports and documents, specifically relevant to human rights in Colombia. These include information and resolutions made by various international bodies. They also link to the webpages of armed groups in the conflict, therefore giving an understanding of what these groups stand for.
http://www.derechos.org/nizkor/colombia/eng.html (315)

Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC)
LANIC provides links to a wide range of sources in Colombia including academic research centres, news sources and civil society organisations.
http://www.lanic.utexas.edu/la/colombia/ (316)

Colombia Report
Published by the Information Network of the Americas (INOTA), Colombia Report is a web-based magazine that provides history and analysis of the Colombian civil war, the drug war and the U.S. involvement in the conflict.
http://www.colombiareport.org/ (317)

Human Rights Watch
HRW provides a wide range of information on the situation in Colombia. They document human rights abuses in their reports.
http://www.hrw.org (319)

The International Rescue Committee
Provides up-to-date reports on the ongoing refugee and displaced persons crisis in Colombia.
http://www.theirc.org/where/index.cfm?locationID=164 (321)

Catholic Relief Services
Provides information on CRS activities in Colombia.
http://www.catholicrelief.org ........ (322)

The Ethnologue
This site provides information on ethnic groups in Colombia with a particular focus on language.
http://www.sil.org/ethnologue/countries/Colo.html (324)

The Centre for International Policy's Colombia Project
In English and Spanish, the Centre offers information and analysis about peaceful efforts to end Colombia's conflict and the United States' military involvement.
http://www.ciponline.org/colombia/ (332)

Colombia at the Crossroads
International Crisis Group's page on the Colombia conflict. Features links to ICG reports on the conflict, links to other organisations involved in peacemaking in Colombia.
http://www.crisisgroup.org/home/index.cfm?id=3556&l=1 (334)

Local Non-Governmental Organisation (NGOs), Civil Society Organisations, Research Institutes, Non-State Actors

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia People’s Army – FARC-EP
Website of the principle insurgency movement within Colombia.
http://www.contrast.org/mirrors/farc (318)

La Fundacion Pais Libre
In Spanish, this is the website of the Fundacion Pais Libre, a non-governmental organisation which offers assistance to victims of kidnapping in Colombia, as well as raising awareness on the issue. The site also offers information on the radio program operated by the organisation, in which families can send a message to a kidnapped loved one.
http://www. paislibre.org.co/ (323)

Ingrid Betancourt
In French and Spanish, this website is dedicated to Ingrid Betancourt, the presidential candidate who was abducted on February 23, 2002.
http://www.ingridbetancourt.com (329)

Ejercito de Liberacion Nacional
In Spanish, this is the website of the ELN or Ejercito de Liberacion Nacional, a prominent guerrilla group in Colombia.
http://www.eln-voces.com/ (330)

Colombian Human Rights Network
The site offers news, information on various projects, and a history of the armed conflict in Colombia.
http://colhrnet.igc.org/ (331)

Articles, Papers, Reports, Agreements

Colombia's Killer Networks: The Military-Paramilitary Partnerships and the United States
Human Rights Watch provide a summary of this report online along with the full recommendations contained within the report.
http://www.hrw.org/summaries/s.colombia9611.html (325)

Helping Colombia Fix its Plan to Curb Drug Trafficking, Violence, and Insurgency
2001 article by Stephen Johnson for the Heritage Foundation. The article discusses the widespread problem of drugtrafficking in Colombia, as well as the impact of Plan Colombia.
http://www.heritage.org/Research/LatinAmerica/BG1435.es.cfm (326)

Colombia: 35 Years and Still Struggling
The article, written by Jenny E. Lange, outlines the history of the guerrilla in Colombia, focusing on the issue of landmines.
http://maic.jmu.edu/journal/5.2/focus/columbia.htm (327)

Colombia: The Conflict and the Hope
Article by Ricardo Esquivia Ballestas, the director of the Christian Centre for Justice, Peace and Non-Violent Action in Colombia.
http://www.emu.edu/ctp/footpaths/vol2no3/page3.html (328)

Observatorio de Conflictos
In Spanish, this website offers a selection of academic articles on the situation in Colombia.
http://www.cip.fuhem.es/observatorio/indicadores/paises/colombia.html (333)

Plan Colombia: Plan for Peace, Prosperity, and the Strengthening of the State
1999 peace plan intended as a blueprint for ending Colombia's decades of cilvil conflict.
http://www.usip.org/library/pa/colombia/adddoc/plan_colombia_101999.html (335)

Peace - or "Paramilitarization?"
July 2005 paper by US-based Centre for International Policy outlining the inherent dangers of a peace agreement that facilitates demands of para-military groups in Colombia
http://www.ciponline.org/colombia/0507ipr.htm (336)

Revised Colombian Constitution
1991Colombian Constitution with reforms through 2005
http://www.georgetown.edu/pdba/Constitutions/Colombia/col91.html (337)

UNHCR Report
Report by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on the human rights situation in Colombia, E/CN.4/2005/10, 28 February 2005
http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=E/CN.4/2005/10 (339)

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