Agreement on Elections
In order to promote
free, fair, and democratic elections
and to lay the foundation for representative government
and ensure the progressive achievement of democratic
goals throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, in accordance
with relevant documents of the Organization for Security
and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Republic of Bosnia
and Herzegovina, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
and the Republika Srpska ("the Parties") have agreed as
Article I: Conditions for Democratic Elections
1. The Parties shall ensure that conditions exist for
the organization of free and fair elections, in
particular a politically neutral environment; shall
protect and enforce the right to vote in secret
without fear or intimidation; shall ensure freedom
of expression and of the press; shall allow and
encourage freedom of association (including of
political parties); and shall ensure freedom of
2. The Parties request the OSCE to certify whether
elections can be effective under current social
conditions in both Entities and, if necessary, to
provide assistance to the Parties in creating these
3. The Parties shall comply fully with paragraphs 7 and
8 of the OSCE Copenhagen Document, which are
attached to this Agreement.
Article II: The OSCE Role
1. OSCE. The Parties request the OSCE to adopt and put
in place an elections program for Bosnia and
Herzegovina as set forth in this Agreement.
2. Elections. The Parties request the OSCE to
supervise, in a manner to be determined by the OSCE
and in cooperation with other international
organizations the OSCE deems necessary, the
preparation and conduct of elections for the House
of Representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina; for
the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina; for the
House of Representatives of the Federation of Bosnia
and Herzegovina; for the National Assembly of the
Republika Srpska; for the Presidency of the
Republika Srpska; and, if feasible, for cantonal
legislatures and municipal governing authorities.
3. The Commission.
To this end, the Parties request the
OSCE to establish a Provisional Election Commission
("the Commission").
4. Timing. Elections
shall take place on a date
("Election Day") six months after entry into force
of this Agreement or, if the OSCE determines a delay
necessary, no later than nine months after entry
into force.
Article III: The Provisional Election Commission
1. Rules and Regulations. The Commission shall adopt
electoral rules and regulations regarding: the
registration of political parties and independent
candidates; the eligibility of candidates and
voters; the role of domestic and international
election observers; the ensuring of an open and fair
electoral campaign; and the establishment,
publication, and certification of definitive
election results. The Parties shall comply fully
with the electoral rules and regulations, any
internal laws and regulations notwithstanding.
2. Mandate of the Commission. The responsibilities of
the Commission, as provided in the electoral rules
and regulations, shall include:
a. supervising all aspects of the electoral
process to ensure that the structures and
institutional framework for free and fair
elections are in place;
b. determining voter registration provisions;
c. ensuring compliance with the electoral rules
and regulations established pursuant to this
d. ensuring that action is taken to remedy any
violation of any provision of this Agreement or
of the electoral rules and regulations
established pursuant to this Agreement,
including imposing penalties against any person
or body that violates such provisions; and
e. accrediting observers, including personnel from
international organizations and foreign and
domestic non-governmental organizations, and
ensuring that the Parties grant accredited
observers unimpeded access and movement.
3. Composition and Functioning of the Commission. The
Commission shall consist of the Head of the OSCE
Mission, the High Representative or his or her
designee, representatives of the Parties, and such
other persons as the Head of the OSCE Mission, in
consultation with the Parties, may decide. The Head
of the OSCE Mission shall act as Chairman of the
Commission. In the event of disputes within the
Commission, the decision of the Chairman shall be
4. Privileges and Immunities. The Chairman and
Commission shall enjoy the right to establish
communications facilities and to engage local and
administrative staff, and the status, privileges and
immunities accorded to a diplomatic agent and
mission under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
Article IV: Eligibility
Voters. Any citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina aged
18 or older whose name appears on the 1991 census
for Bosnia and Herzegovina shall be eligible, in
accordance with electoral rules and regulations, to
vote. A citizen who no longer lives in the
municipality in which he or she resided in 1991
shall, as a general rule, be expected to vote, in
person or by absentee ballot, in that municipality,
provided that the person is determined to have been
registered in that municipality as confirmed by the
local election commission and the Provisional
Election Commission.
Such a citizen may, however, apply to the Commission
to cast his or her ballot elsewhere. The exercise of
a refugee's right to vote shall be interpreted as
confirmation of his or her intention to return to
Bosnia and Herzegovina. By Election Day, the return
of refugees should already be underway, thus
allowing many to participate in person in elections
in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Commission may
provide in the electoral rules and regulations for
citizens not listed in the 1991 census to vote.
Article V: Permanent Election Commission
The Parties agree to create a permanent Election
Commission with responsibilities to conduct future
elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Article VI: Entry into Force
This Agreement shall enter into force upon
For the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
For the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
For the Republika Srpska
Attachment to Annex 3 on Elections
Document of the Second Meeting of the Conference on the
Human Dimension of the Conference on Security and
Cooperation in Europe, Copenhagen, 1990.
Paragraphs 7 and 8:
(7) To ensure that the will of the people serves as
the basis of the authority of govermnent, the
participating States will
(7.1) - hold free elections at reasonable
intervals, as established by law;
(7.2) - permit all seats in at least one
chamber of the national legislature to be
freely contested in a popular vote;
(7.3) - guarantee universal and equal suffrage
to adult citizens;
(7.4) - ensure that votes are cast by secret
ballot or by equivalent free voting procedure,
and that they are counted and reported honestly
with the official results made public;
(7.5) - respect the right of citizens to seek
political or public office, individually or as
representatives of political parties or
organizations, without discrimination;
(7.6) - respect the right of individuals and
groups to establish, in full freedom, their own
political parties or other political
organizations and provide such political
parties and organizations with the necessary
legal guarantees to enable them to compete with
each other on a basis of equal treatment before
the law and by the authorities;
(7.7) - ensure that law and public policy work
to permit political campaigning to be conducted
in a fair and free atmosphere in which neither
administrative action, violence nor
intimidation bars the parties and the
candidates from freely presenting their views
and qualifications, or prevents the voters from
learning and discussing them or from casting
their vote free of fear of retribution;
(7.8) - provide that no legal or administrative
obstacle stands in the way of unimpeded access
to the media on a non-discriminatory basis for
all political groupings and individuals wishing
to participate in the electoral process;
(7.9) - ensure that candidates who obtain the
necessary number of votes required by law are
duly installed in office and are permitted to
remain in office until their term expires or is
otherwise brought to an end in a manner that is
regulated by law in conformity with democratic
parliamentary and constitutional procedures.
(8) - The participating States consider that the
presence of observers, both foreign and domestic,
can enhance the electoral process for States in
which elections are taking place. They therefore
invite observers from any other CSCE participating
States and any appropriate private institutions and
organizations who may wish to do so to observe the
course of their national election proceedings, to
the extent permitted by law. They will also
endeavour to facilitate similar access for election
proceedings held below the national level. Such
observers will undertake not to interfere in the
electoral proceedings.